Response to Saturday’s hatchet-job? March 28, 2009 By SomervilleTom Saturday’s piece by Frank Phillips mentions several of the participants here. It reads like a hatchet-job. Any comments or responses? Doug? Please share widely! 00
hrs-kevin says March 28, 2009 at 2:09 pm Would it kill you to link to what you are talking about and perhaps formulate a couple more sentences to explain what you are talking about?
justice4all says March 28, 2009 at 5:13 pm Frank Phillips is the state house chief for the Globe < p>… < p>Although I think calling it a “hatchet job” is a stretch, if one considers the contents of the emails.
The only ones getting hosed are the taxpayers.
Would it kill you to link to what you are talking about and perhaps formulate a couple more sentences to explain what you are talking about?
I should have linked to the piece, I apologize.
Frank Phillips is the state house chief for the Globe
p>Although I think calling it a “hatchet job” is a stretch, if one considers the contents of the emails.