Rush Limbaugh, the drug addled and bloated radio vomiteer is the perfect symbol for the Republicrat aka Republican Party.
Limbaugh is deaf, fat, bloated and mentally impaired by prescription drugs he had to pay more money for than they were worth.
Yup, Rush Limbaugh is the perfect leader for this God forsaken political wastland.
Keep, up the bluster you fat,bloated fool Rush. The Democrats couldn’t pay you enough to improve their standing.
Please share widely!
Was it something he said?!? ;-)>
p>But I agree with you. OMG, I actually agreed with a LIBERAL?!?!?
Both are blowhards. But “deaf, fat, bloated” ? Condemn his foolish rants and complete partisanship. Destroy his shallow arguments. Recognize the lack of his depth and education, but do not include his physical characteristics or disabilities in the discussion; you just end up sounding like him.
Sorry, but Rush is FAT, BLOATED AND DEAF !
Try other things:
p>Sorry, but Rush is <b> fat, bloated and deaf!</b>
Sorry, but Rush is fat, bloated and deaf!
p>Sorry, but Rush is <i> fat, bloated and deaf!</i>
Sorry, but Rush is fat, bloated and deaf!
p>Sorry, but Rush is <u> fat, bloated and deaf!</u>
Sorry, but Rush is fat, bloated and deaf!
p>Sorry, but Rush is <font color=”blue”> fat, bloated and deaf!</font>
Sorry, but Rush is fat, bloated and deaf!
p>Sorry, but Rush is <font size=”3″> fat, bloated and deaf!</font>
Sorry, but Rush is fat, bloated and deaf!
My computer interprets blue as green. One of us is colorblind.
in less space with less repetition. đŸ˜‰
Maybe how to string together a lot of invective?
p>It seems that there are more useful questions for us liberals to pursue against Limbaugh than pointing out his disabilities, indiscretions, and elevated Body Mass Index.
p>Women mostly hate him, but a lot of men don’t. That includes lots of people who aren’t conservative. Why is that? How do we change it? Do we need to?
p>Franken used to make a point of documenting Limbaugh’s unconcern with the truth, what I called Limbaugh Rules of Evidence. Is fact checking him politically useful? Or a waste of time?
p>Rahm Emanuel recently tied conservatives to him. (“He’s their intellectual leader.”) Is that wise or not?
One is a flaming Nazi gas-bag.
The other is a dirigible.
(Yeah, the joke’s at least fifteen years old, but it’s relevant again….)