The statistics are all to clear that we have the lowest rate of seat belt use and as a result one of the highest care fatality rates because of no seat belts why just last night on route 99 in Everett a joy riding speeder slammed into the wall and rolled his sports car now his car stayed together and would have protected him but for one minor thing he did not buckle up and as a result he was ejected and killed. What a mess our Police and Firemen had to go and clean up. May be he deserved it because he was speeding maybe it was his time but why do we have to send public employees being paid tax dollars at our expense to clean up his mess. Their will be a Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland
Security’s Public Hearing on Senate bill s.950
this Thursday April 16th in room B-2 at the State house. Why not go and express your rage at wasting tax dollars on people who refuse to buckle up you may want to comment on the state leaving the $13.6 million on the curb as well and don’t forget to thank all those responsible for your increase in health insurance premiums, it’s time for a change to take back control of our own finances. If you can’t make the hearing call or email it works!!!!! your Rep and Senator want to hear from you on how they can cut your taxes and here is how!
As Usual Just my Opinion
Back in 1978 before I moved here from Michigan, my cousin was doing a specialty project for Oakland University in Michigan [yes, I am from Michigan] where she hooked up computers to brain dead victims of auto accidents.
p>In those days, the computers had to be in the same room with the live bodies with dead brains; the computers were used to monitor and steady function so the organs could be harvested and some use made of these living dead bodies.
p>Every one of these folks died because they did not wear seat belts and had head injuries.
p>One day she had hooked up the computer and was getting everything running right, and some brain oozed out the bodies nose.
p>She collared each and every one of her first cousins [there are 27 of us; I am the only one in New England] and made us promise NEVER TO RIDE IN A CAR WITHOUT USING THE SEAT BELT AND NEVER TO DRIVE A CAR WITH A PASSENGER WITHOUT A SEAT BELT.
p>As she looked at me grimly, and fought retching telling the story of her grim and terrible work at that hospital, I promised. I have kept that promise.
p>Despite having ‘special needs’ kids, one severely hyperactive, I have kept that promise. If they unbuckled I pulled over. Until they were buckled, they could sit by the side of the road with their mother’s eyes grimly, and steadily on them. I have never, since that day in 1978 operated a car in which everyone was not buckled. Never.
I thought seat belts were already required in MA. I even thought that we had converted to primary enforsement.
No we did not we watered it down as we do many things here in Massachusetts. So as a result we are paying for all of the costs associated with serious and fatal accidents where seat belts could have saved the taxpayers and the insurance ratepayers billions here in Massachusetts. Today the hearing is to be held it is the first step but people need to get involved. If you have seen the House budget you know that the majority of the Legislature is not willing to do anything unless the majority agrees and your lucky if you can find any 10 who agree on any one issue at a time so it is up to us the public to express our support and move those unwilling into the willing column to vote for it. It is funny how so many special interest folks haunt the halls of the state house day after day yet we sit at home typing in BMG about our outrage on how government does not work. We need to channel just a little bit of that fear and anger into constructive benefit and talk to our Reps and Senators you would be surprised at just how like you and I they really are. Unfortunately they usually only hear from status quo that have a special interest. We need to make this and other issues critical to all of us a special interest. I hope you will take a min today and email or call it real can make a difference.
p>As Usual just my Opinion
It helps me monitor to know the bill # as there are SO MANY bills.
p>As Usual Just my Opinion