So, are teh teabaggers racists? Not all of them, that is for sure, but maybe enough to get the attention of Jill Tubman over at Jack and Jill Politics.
The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests
Were you wondering what happened to all the rabid, wild-eyed bigots yelling, “Kill him!” and “Terrorist” and “Socialist” carrying stuffed monkey plush dolls at the McCain-Palin rallies? It’s easy in our jubilation over Obama’s victory to forget the many people in America who were deeply fearful and hate-oriented towards an Obama presidency. Those people didn’t just shrug their shoulders at the Democratic victory in Nov 2008. No, they’ve re-organized. Largely abandoned by the Republican party who tapped cynically into their ignorance, fear and hatred and whipped these folks into a racist lather as a Get Out The Vote strategy, the Tax Day Tea Party people have used the internet to find each other and organize.
They’re getting plenty of news coverage. And don’t get me wrong: the teabaggers (heh) have expressed some legitimate concerns about the impact of the economic stimulus on the ballooning deficit and the evolving structure of the financial bailout strategy. Concerns some progressives and many Americans share actually. Yet Obama’s kept his promise to lower taxes for most Americans except the very wealthy – I don’t know about you but I definitely am getting more back than I expected personally on my own taxes. So…whassup, really? Are these folks really concerned about their taxes going up or is it about what they perceive their taxes to be funding?
Worthy GOoPer, you know this narrative will catch on. The press eats this shit up and the far left is gonna push, push, push. Soon enough, you’ll be asked, if you are a part of this? What say you?
John, do you mean Glenn Beck, the standup comic?
the love of little green apples…I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Dennis Miller also claims to be a comic. ‘nuf said.
Hannity as Moe. Limbaugh as Curly. That means, Beck will have to grow his hair out.
Everybody should watch that clip if they get a chance, it’s really striking.
The hyper-partisans of the party NOT in power always seem to be prone to bizarre conspiracy theories.
p>Over much of the past eight years, this was sarcastically called Bush Derangement Syndrome– and included wild Freudian theorizing about Bush 43 seeking to upstage and replace his father; that Bush (whose administration did almost nothing competently) somehow managed to manipulate world oil markets; Bush had a remote receiver during the Kerry debate so that Rove could feed him lines; the slow response after Katrina was deliberate and intended to open up real estate for profitable investment by Halliburton…
p>The more fringe-y Democrats/lefties ate this stuff up, and seemed to be willing to believe almost anything. The good thing for Democrats is that, even with publicity, this fringe didn’t really change the center of gravity of the party.
p>When Republicans lose badly, they go John Birch. The interesting thing is that for the Republicans, at least for the moment, the fringe does seem to be moving the center of gravity of the party.
p>Like Michael Moore before him, this crazy guy on Fox seems to get way more oxygen than warranted. The question is whether this fringe winds up becoming a rump.
p>I hope that it does not, as I think that a robust Republican party is needed for the long term health of the country.
Some leftists did grasp at straws, including the Bev Harris types. I think Florida was a virtual tie, but Ohio was not. However, I don’t remember would-be powerful figures in the Democratic Party embracing the loons and wannabe revolutionaries with the speed and affection as Republicans do. Sure, Michael Moore got on tv a fair bit, but he produced a pretty thorough movie…Glenn Beck hasn’t produced anything aside from carbon dioxide, and he’s got his own show.
I don’t recall these people getting prime time gigs nor over-representation on Sunday pundit shows.
Are (were!?!?) the anti war protesters anti semites? Anti American? Commies?
p>Are leftist activists just plain nuts?
p>You be the judge:
If the DNC was exalting this type of lunacy, you’d get a 6.
p>The GOP is a big fan of the teabagging nuttery.
p>Try again.