Kudos to Ways and Means Chair Charley Murphy for standing behind state employees and not coming out with the punitive piece of legislation The Boston Globe can’t seem to live without. They won’t rest until Bill Bulger’s pension is lowered to $23,000 a year.
Chaley didn’t give in to the demagogues and showed some leadership by not giving us a draconian bill.
More kudos for Rep. Marty Walsh. Not only is he one of the most loyal people on the hill he is also one of the few who empathizes with the average working person.
Marty, who was on the wrong side of the speaker’s fight, made sure the firefighters were not hung out to dry in the pension reform bill. It wasn’t too long ago when firefighters were rock stars and every politician said they are there for them.
Now when all public employee unions, especially firefighter unions, are considered vultures it was hard for these guys to get support.
Marty carried the water for the firefighters and used his well honed political skills to beat up Boobby D and not let him piss on the union.
Great job by a rep who everyone assumed was dead after he lost big in the Speaker’s fight. Guess what? He’s not dead.
Assistant House majority leader Pat Haddad of Somerset leads a monthly girls’ night out for the female members.
Is this the beginning of the Pat Haddad for speaker movement?
Has anyone heard the latest Deval make-it-in-Massachusetts radio ads?
I am not kidding you when I report that they showcase two businesses.
1. A 20 something kid who, with some financial help from family, started a t-shirt business in the garage. Someday it may be big.
2. Some kid from U-Mass has a college related web site or something.
The ad is a great way to spend our tax dollars. How many over-time toll takers would it have covered.
Bill Gates heard the ad and said “Folks, we’re moving to Massachusetts.”
The other radio ad that bothers me is the Arbella Insurance ad in which a customer complains that he was surcharged for an accident which was not his fault.
Arbella changed their mind and said he was not responsible when the adjuster realized it happened at the intersection of Rt 93 and Rt 95.
She let it slide because ‘she knows that intersection” and how dangerous it is.
So Arbella Insurance is saying that the federal highway system is constructed in a manner which results in accidents between safe drivers?
Martha Coakley should make them pull the ads.
They have another ad where they boast about calling a woman who was at the movies and telling her that her house burned down.
“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?”
on that poll, folks. Come on, you know it. đŸ™‚
How did you choose that number?
On the other hand, Ernie, those radio ads are a great way to get some free (for him) airtime for Deval. And isn’t that what this state is all about — helping our governor’s career?
p>The other radio ad that rankles me is that First Republic bank ad that features a banker and some office worker celebrating the fact that they helped each other while independently working on Sunday. It’s a wonderful glorification of work and company above all else, but I don’t want to bank with someone who seems so hostile to giving employees even a day off.
I’ve heard the ad, and unless my memory is wrong, they were talking about Johnny Cupcakes. He’s been successful for some time now.
Though I think it should run on the nonprofit model.
the Arbella ad does not talk about surcharges. The “driver” starts by saying that he had an accident at 93/95 intersection which was not his fault due to the design of the road. The “Claims VP” says that she drives that same way each day and that the intersection does cause accidents, that the driver was not at fault and that Arbella “paid the claim.”
p>Apparently the VP does not know that the only thing in play is the deductible in this no fault system and not the entire claim. You have heard this ridiculous ad about ten thousand times. Get the carrots out of your ears Ernie.
Many of the highways around here were originally constructed with state money, and were not subject to federal highway standards, and are dangerous.
is dangerous per se? How can accidents like this be nobody’s fault?
p>For an insurance company to claim they give breaks to drivers because the adjuster is familiar with the area is ridiculous.
p>That adjuster would be fired on the spot.