You see Kelly was making good money off the treasury office when Bob Crane (not Col. Hogan) was in charge. Being Crane’s creation Kelly had a nice business doing bond deals.
So Kelly gets hooked up with Cahill. His Quincy neighbor. Cahill, a city councilor at the time learned about the Norfolk County Treasurer’s job presumably from Kelly. (You see how it works? The county treaurer gets to float bonds.)
Then, together they win the big enchilada. The state treasury.
Now Cahill wants us to believe two things:
1. He never discussed with Kelly his clients seeking the $24 million contract his client was seeking.
2. The Ethics commission cleared him.
The Ethics Commission did not. It simply could not find evidence. Why? Because Cahill said they never discussed it and Kelly said they never discussed it.
Timmy, that doesn’t mean the committee said you did not.
I don’t trust Cahill. Using the same definition I do trust Deval.
Shame on the Globe for not providing a link to the Ethics Commission report and Cahill’s 18 page response.
C’mon guys, How can we root for you if you don’t provide best in practice on-line content?
No excuse.
(Unless the NYT dinks won’t let you. They want you to fail)
Speaking of Winthrop. It is one of the most efffed up towns (it’s a town, not a city)in greater Boston.
Look at it on the map. It’s a snort hanging off of East Boston and Revere ending in a sewage treatment plant. Only two roads in and out of it. One from Revere and the other from eastie.
Winthrop is made up primarily of Italian Americans from East Boston who think they hit it big by moving to Winthrop.
problem is they insisted on bringing East Boston with them.
Also many Irish whose families came from Eastie a few generations ago. here are also many Irish from back when Winthrop, particularly Point Shirley, was a summer cottage type place for many of the two toilet types from Boston and around.
Winthrop also has a strong but declining Jewish population who trace their roots to Shirley Ave.n Revere.
Ninety percent of the homes in Winthrop have million dollar views. Do yourself a favor and drive down Grandview Ave. in Winthrop some day.
Then of course you throw in the airport and you have many airline employees living in apartments plus many long time Winthropideans working at the airport.
The of course many people work at Suffolk Downs. Including the Speaker’s dad who for years has worked the door at the Turf Club.
Many good good people in Winthrop, but trust me when I tell you, It’s one effed up place. (In good ways too.)
Another thing about Winthrop. It has more liquor stores than anywhere else.
Which brings us to slots and the track. The track needs the slots to survive. The track is very very important to DeLeo and his constituents. And they the slots should be enough to keep them going. Good for Bobby.
Destination casinos and slots in other places (unless they bring back the dogs) does nothing for Winthrop/Eastie. In fact fundamentally they are not a good thing. So screw them all.
So, in my mind, Deleo has legitimate reasons to push for slots at Suffolk and let things die elsewhere.
How do the slots at Suffolk effect the social clubs in and around Winthrop and Eastie? The guys down the yacht clubs must be a tad concern about the bottom line.
For the most part, these are good people too. Will they get to continue? What will the pay out percentages be for the Suffolk slots be compared to the ones already in play in Revere, East Boston, Winthrop, Chelsea, …….?
Of course if DeLeo doesn’t show leadership, which he hasn’t, he will not be able to control all the progressives that supported him.
And there go the slots. Another gold star for Petro
Senate President Terry Murray cheapened her office by answering a question about the future of gambling in the state with pulling-the-slot gesture accompanied by a “Kah Ching!”
Could you see Bill Bulger doing that when answering the press or a question in a public setting regarding position on major policy?
Does anyone eat devil ham anymore? It use to be a staple.
Where have you gone Mason Reese?
Note to Carl Sciortini:
Your defense of DeLeo on BMG yesterday was lame. You state you were heard privately in the budget. Perhaps you were. But why then does the speaker make you file revenue amendments to be heard now.
Consensus is built in private meetings and behind the scenes activity. Like I presume happened in the budget released last week. You say you were heard. I believe you.
it’s interesting that the vice-chair of ways and means is telling people she felt shut out. But I believe you Carl
So why a change in strategy by DeLeo for the revenue portion?
Hey Carl, if your waiting for a call from Jim Eisenberg telling you what a great job you did defending the speaker, it ain’t coming.
Listen to the audio on WBUR (World of Ideas, I think). We are unfairly characterizing the moment.
Also make my own – took care of Easter leftovers that way, with a meat grinder and some pickles. When you just can’t eat another damn omlette…
Keep on it Ernie
As I’ve said before I am pro resort casino…not necessarily pro slots, I’m against slot parlors. If we have to accept a room or two of slots to get a hotel, retail stores, restaurants, etc, I’m willing to make the compromise. And I will visit the slots from time to time to hand over my $20 bucks.
p>I find this to be a stunning display of determination. I will be attending and would love to see some of you there. We can (or not) hold our respective pro-casino / anti-casino signs, stand in a group together and give them our love for their fight for what they they believe in.
I find this all to be a little dangerous, especially for the poor little old lady. But the results will be interesting and I am quite curious about what will happen.
p>Anyone interested let me know, if not I’ll update you on the happenings after the fact.