On Thursday, Bill in Portland Maine (a DailyKos front-pager) wrote a scathing response to an op-ed in the Washington Post by a group of retired generals opposed to the repeal of DADT. Titled “Liar, Liar, Generals’ Pants On Fire”, it included this absolute gem of a turn of phrase:
The generals wrote:
Some suggest that the United States must emulate Denmark, the Netherlands and Canada, which have incorporated homosexuals into their forces. But none of these countries has the institutional culture or worldwide responsibilities of our military. America’s armed forces are models for our allies’ militaries and the envy of our adversaries—not the other way around. As former senior commanders, we know that the reason for this long-standing envy is the unsurpassed discipline, morale and readiness of our military.
And Bill replied:
I’m sure the Danes, Dutch and Canadians will be thrilled to know that a bunch of bitter, aging American generals are calling their military servicemen and women disorganized, unprepared, uncultured losers. But I’m curious—why didn’t they also mention the armed forces of Britain or Israel or Australia or Germany? They allow gays to serve openly and I dare anyone to question their effectiveness or morale. And this puzzles me: if we’re the role models for the world’s armies, shouldn’t the number of countries allowing gays to serve openly be going down instead of up? Logic is such a nasty adversary, isn’t it, Generals? If only you could invade it and make it surrender, everything would be peachy.
Emphasis mine – logic is such a nasty adversary – wisdom for the ages in that statement. The whole thing is just incredible – read it here.
There’s another diary currently on the rec list at DKos – I won’t spoil any of it for you, here’s the title and the link – you’ll be laughing so hard you’ll be able to skip those crunches at the gym this week…
America Seeks Restraining Order Against GOP