There will be a number of Committee reports. Any Democrat can ask to be appointed to a committee of the DSC. It is an appointment by the MDP Chair, BMG’s own John from Abington. As you would expect, there is a requirement that DSC members get first preference on appointments and all committees must have at least 75% DSC members. But if there is a Committee that interests you, contact Chairman John Walsh at I happened to mention this option to sco several months ago and now he is a member of the Rules Committee. And he thought he was an insider before! I co-chair the DSC’s Communication Committee and am always looking for bloggers and people with expertise in media or writing to get involved. We co-sponsored Sunday’s BlogLeft Gathering and work in a number of areas.
The DSC, with the assistance of the Bridgewater Democratic Town Committee, is encouraging use of commuter rail to the meeting in Bridgewater. There is a train leaving South Station at 11:20 with stops at JFK/UMass and Quincy Center, scheduled to arrive in Bridgewater 12:07. The Bridgewater Democratic Town Committee is shuttling anyone on this train from the Bridgewater Station to the meeting site. There will be a light meal starting at 1 PM and the meeting starts at 2 PM. The shuttle will start running at 3:45 to be sure to get anyone back to the station in time for the 4:16 departure time. If you have friends in the area and want to visit, there is also a train at 7:10 PM, but there will not be a shuttle. Here’s the commuter rail schedule
04/25/2009 DSC Meeting in Bridgewater
Saturday, April 25, 2 PM
Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School, 415 Center Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324
Refreshments at 1:00 PM. Meeting at 2:00 PM
I am assisting at an Adoption Party by MARE in Springfield already on 4/25 [signed up four months ago for this] from about 9:30 to about 2:00 and am trying to figure out if it is worth driving to Raynham after the Adoption Party [google says it would take about an hour and a half]. I found your discussion really helpful as I did not know that, while the Platform Committee will be “presenting” the Platform, it won’t actually be voted on 4/25 until your post.
p>I agree that the DSC is a very welcoming group, Kate – and you are definitely one of the members that make it that way.
Deb, I know that there is a lot on the agenda. With the DSC one never knows what will become a counted vote and what will be straightforward. I will keep my cell on vibrate so give me a call when you are on the road and when you are getting close to the point when you have to make a decision and I can tell you how the meeting is going. If I were a betting person, I would bet that we are not done by 4 PM.
when we got out.
Shuttle buses are huge in overcoming the limitations of commuter rail.
I’m not sure, but it might be more like private cars. I just don’t want anyone sitting there looking for a big bus. Kate