Happy to hear he is getting out there to help us “get it”, as we have been asking him rather loudly to do. It is terrific that he is coming to Western MA. It will be streamed live at this link Monday night at 8PM. . The questions will come from the audience and can also be emailed in.
Please share widely!
I missed the one on NECN. It thought I would be able to watch it later, but they didn’t archive it and it’s not
on YouTube either. So I will definitely be watching.
that the Globe could do something like this every DAY on its web site, with leading figures in public life.
p>When the Globe is out innovated by a Springfield television station and the Governor’s press staff, is it any wonder its in dire straits?
p>Even the Daily Kos is getting into internet TV.
WWLP’s setup clips show that there will be few if any tough questions. We’ll see. See ya after the show!
Did he get fired today or what? I heard he took a bullet (sort of) for Deval. It was a rather odd apology. He couldn’t help mix in some “we are awesome, look what we are doing” stuff with the apology.
No, for the record, I did not get fired today.
p>For those who watched the town hall, I welcome your comments and suggestions about how we can improve the format in the future.
See how rumors get started. I was just going to fact check that comment by mass_hysteria. I have a lot to say about tonight’s Town Hall meeting. 1st of all, I am very glad he did it and he should definitely do it more often. There are many, many questions, the hour just didn’t seem like enough time. And I think Jaclyn was right to move things along the way she did. She wasn’t trying to be disrespectful, just trying get as much in as possible.
p>And for disclosure sake, I do not know Jaclyn Cashman, do not necessarily support her and was not paid to say that.
Go Jaclyn, and thank you. Some people can just talk and talk. I thought it was totally fake for Governor Patrick to seem so offended by her moving the conversation along. He has never responded to a single email I have sent him. So I guess it’s OK for him to diss the constituency who sends emails, as long as you don’t do it face to face, or as long as someone else doesn’t do it on behalf of the rest of the constituency who wants to get word in edge wise. Well enough about that.
Tax abortion?! Geez, were you trying to make a statement there buddy.
Too many questions on the same topics, mainly health care and education, which are indeed important, but the questions should have been better balanced. Of course, my topic is commuter rail expansion, I would love to hear him talk in depth about his “vision” for expanded commuter rail service and whether it will include connecting Eastern and Western MA, or whether it will end with connecting Western MA to CT and VT. I think the North to South rail line is important, but should rank behind connecting East and West.
Like I’ve said before, I feel like I live in Western MA, CT and it looks like that regional feeling we have will just be set in stone once the North South commuter rail line comes in. If you go to Amtrak and look at their NorthEast Region map, you can see how the rail lines drain from MA, it is a telling map.
p>It is nonsense not to have the commuter lines run across the state too. This proposal should at least be discussed.
Good-bye Boston, I’ll miss you.
Massachusetts does have a ridiculous drop out rate. I blame both the parents and the teachers.
p>Parents need to support and encourage their kids, listen to them, sympathize with them and walk beside them during this journey. Too many parents talk at their kids instead of to them, expect more than they can give intellectually at a given time and so therefore, the children end up feeling like failures on all levels, and give up. An example of this is a woman I know who insisted her child be a straight A student. She would be punished and ridiculed if she could not bring home those everlovin’ A’s. The child just could not, ( or would not, who knows) do it, so they battle the entire school year until finally the teen started failing completely, having anxiety attacks, and anorexia. The end result of this was the child dropped out of school. So instead of getting the straight A student you have a drop out. Winning strategy there. Come on Mom’s and Dad’s, put your thinking caps on, support and encourage, not demand and ridicule.
p>I also blame the teachers. Many, (not all) teachers lack enthusiasm for their own jobs. They have taught the same classes over and over so many times, I swear when the new 5th graders walk into class in September, it doesn’t really hit the teacher that this is a “new” class of students, fresh from 4th grade. They lose patience with the students for not learning quick enough (hey, I taught the same thing to last years 5th grade, why don’t you know it yet), and they resort to stupid little tactics to keep the children from annoying them with questions. One of my favorites is “1,2,3, then ask me” This is a cute way of avoiding the students. The student is to ask 3 other students for help on a question first, if they don’t get the answer then they go to the teacher. Well this is just brilliant, because what if they get the wrong answer from a fellow student. It’s “pass the buck” with flair. One thing Governor Patrick said that really hit home with me is that he believes it is up to the teachers to engage the students, to inspire them, to make them excited to learn. I absolutely agree 100% with that. Teachers are so quick to complain that they work so hard. I think they have worked as teachers so long that they misunderstand what hard work is. Go out into the corporate world and get a job. You will see that you have one of the best jobs one could ask for, also one with a great opportunity to make a huge difference in the future of a child’s life and the future of our state and country.
So stop complaining, do your job enthusiastically, and make a difference in child life. I expect nothing less from the people who choose teaching as a career.
There really is a lot of support for a resort casino in Western MA. The problem is the anti-casino people are more motivated to stop it from happening then the pro-casino people are to have one. I understand that Governor Patrick was counting on resort casinos as way to grow the economy. It makes sense to me too. I was glad he had an opportunity to say tonight that he wasn’t really supporting the casino as much as he was supporting the entire resort concept. I think that message got entirely lost when he first made his proposals and the anti-casino people labeled him a predatory gambling supporter. That did some major damage, not only to the Governor, but to the entire concept of what a resort is, and all of the benefits it will bring, and how the casino is only a portion of the whole project.
So he needs to get that message out loudly, that what he was really supporting was the building of the entire resorts, and that the casino is just a part of it.
I just want to say that watching Governor Patrick tonight reminded me of why I liked him so much when I voted for him. He talks like a working or middle class person, uses slang and humor, and seems to “get it”. He doesn’t appear to be a “stuffed shirt” or snob or “above it all”.
p>But as I was watching him, I also thought about the decisions he has made that contradict the persona he displays when he mingles with the regular folks.
p>He needs to be 100% dedicated to the people of Massachusetts, to their future, and to the survival and growth of the state. If his actions seem to contradict that goal, then he needs to either rethink the action, or make us understand why the action is valuable. As I said about teachers earlier, the Governor, (and the legislature) are there to make a difference and improve the health of the state and future of it’s people. I expect nothing less from the people who choose public service as a career.
It would be really nice if Governor Patrick would come and talk to us at the Convention in June. I don’t know if he is already scheduled to do so, but it would be a great way to reconnect with people from across the state that will be in one area at a given time.
Here is how MassLive/The Republican is reporting on the town hall meeting last night. This is the news getting to people who missed the meeting and aren’t internet savvy. That would be a lot of people.
p>Gov. Deval L. Patrick, in Springfield, hangs tough on gas tax
p>Although mostly fair and accurate, the misprint below changes the entire context of what the Governor said regarding the gas tax. I believe he said his gas tax proposal “OR” some better idea, not his proposal “OF” some better idea. That misprint is misleading and should be corrected.