This loser election in NY settles it. They can’t even win a freakin’ Republican-leaning district. Mike Steele has epically failed. The party has failed.
I’m going to town hall tomorrow and changing my voter affiliation to independent. May God have mercy on my soul.
Please share widely!
April 1st is as good a day as any to announce you’ve decided to stop being played for a fool.
p>Of course, one should always maintain a healthy skepticism about announcements made on this particular date.
Didn’t that same district vote overwhelmingly for Obama?
p>If so, why is it such a surprise that the race is so close?
That district voted about 51% for Obama. Hardly overwhelming. There’s a huge Republican voter registration advantage there. The GOP minority leader of the NYS Assembly who represents a large part of the population center of the district was up against a nobody and basically was only able to play him to a draw.