State Rep Jason Lewis showed himself to be the fool on the hill by sticking his head out of the bunker yesterday.
Jason maybe a little thin skinned since being mocked on here by Bob and I for professing his love of the sales tax increase to his fellow reps on the House floor the other evening.
Within hours he posted a defense and provided the full text of his speech. Thanks Jason.
Now, after perusing his speech I must say Jason is one of the dumbest reps to come down the pike.
Jason, my man. Never ever ever mention other reps districts. You got up and pissed off the 35 reps or so from those districts.
Jason cried to his fellow members about the deplorable conditions in Newburyport, Randolph, Fall River, Boston, Lawrence, Holyoke, Springfield and New Bedford. If he doesn’t speak for them who will?
Lewis is one lost hombre.
He loves to go out of his way to kiss Speaker DeLeo’s ass. Thus, the maiden speech.
He is also not afraid to profess his DeLeo love in the caucuses too.
He is of the “wait-til-they-get-a-load-of-me” camp of politicians.
Jason is the like the kid in the classroom who rats out other kids for misbehaving when the teacher leaves the room.
So Jason had to do more than vote for the tax.
He had to show everyone how smart and courageous and loyal he is.
Screw Deval! Right Jason? Rub salt in the wound. Who cares if he campaigned for you. You owe him nothing. Get some cheap kicks in.
BTW, does Jason think he is Ann Frank? (another person with no last name) He and his family escaped from South Africa.
Like generations of immigrants before us, my family was drawn to America by the promise of equality, dignity, and opportunity for all.
If I was Republican thinking about running against Jason Lewis I would copy his speech and send it to every voter in the district asking what has your rep. done for you?
Methinks if he stuck with Deval and stood against the pressure from DeLeo, you’d be calling him dumb for that.
p>Your bottom line may be correct, but it’s one vote, my man.
(voting with the speaker). But how he did it. Real lamo.
p>I think Aimee Mann believes that too. If you’re going to quote a figure from history, well, quote him.
just sayin’