A crowd of about 50 showed up on Boston Common in sizzling weather for today’s noontime protest against the Exodus training going on at adjacent Park Street Church. Exodus is the world’s largest ex-gay organization and was in town to train local religious leaders to convert gays into straights. Chris Mason got things rolling by leading the crowd in some spirited chants blasting the ex-gays and their quackery. A couple of folks in the crowd related their perceptions of the ex-gay presence at Park Street Church via megaphone as we struggled (successfully) to get the sound system working. The speakers followed and consisted of Don Gorton for Join the Impact MA, Stewart Landers of the Mass. Dept of Public Health, Tom Lang of Know Thy Neighbor, and Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out and noted expert and author. (Wayne is a leading crusader against the ex-gay movement from New York.) There had been a call from some in the crowd to get closer to the Church so the Exodus folks could hear us. So as the speakers wrapped up, a call was made for a march on Park Street Church (going beyond the parameters of our permit.) Chris Mason led our merry company to Park Street and across, chanting at the top of our lungs. We marched down the sidewalk along Tremont Street and entered the Granary Burial Ground, which abuts the portion of Park Street Church where the ex-gays were gathered and eating their lunch. Gay activists approached the windows of the Church building, from which the ex-gays could clearly see us and our signs, and hear our customized anti-Exodus chants. Unnerved by our forceful presence the ex-gays called the cops, whom their leader told that the protestors had been beating on the windows (false) and giving them the finger (true). They also shuttered the windows, as if that could keep us out. After about 10 or 15 minutes of direct confrontation we dispersed when the cops asked us to. We didn’t have a permit to assemble in the Granary, so that phase was necessarily brief but very memorable and effective. We put Exodus on notice that any ex-gay foray into Massachusetts will face determined resistance. Homophobia is not welcome in the cradle of liberty.
Video will show up on the web tomorrow. Lunatic fringe Mass Resistance was there filming us per usual, so they have should footage as well.
I was pleased at the turnout considering it was record breaking heat today! That coupled with the fact that for most here in Massachusetts GLBT are assumed equal and we as a state have moved on to more important issues, like working together for a common good.
p>Even still, when a group like Exodus tries to disrespect our equality by holding their meetings in our capital it will always and should always be met with harsh resistance. Massachusetts is no place for hate.
p>By the way, thank you to all of you who have sent me emails of encouragement. A few kind words go a long way when you are advocating for others at your own cost.
This is the press release of the Mass Family Institute, preceded by a response from Join the Impact MA.
p>Join the Impact MA was very respectful of the patriots buried at the Granary, but every bit as contemptuous of the ex-gay movement as MFI says. It is the right-wing with its opposition to equality that desecrates the legacy of the founding fathers, and the promise of equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
p>”Homosexual Activists Desecrate Historic
Burial Ground of Founding Fathers
p>In an irreverent and despicable act, the radical homosexual activist group “Join the Impact” today infiltrated the sacred Granary Burial Ground at Park Street Church in Boston chanting and blowing horns in protest of a conference at the church. The conference was for pastors by Exodus International, one of the leading organizations promoting freedom from homosexuality.
p>This is the cemetery where the remains of John Hancock, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin’s parents and the victims of the Boston Massacre have their final resting place.
p>The leader of the group used multiple loud horns and sirens on the megaphone, hoping to disrupt the meeting inside, but in the end only dishonoring the patriots buried nearby. One protestor even used chalk to write two slogans on the wall of the burial ground.
p>MFI President Kris Mineau released the following statement:
p>”As a citizen, I am completely appalled by the total disrespect that these protesters showed toward not only Park Street Church, a historic house of worship, but also for the hallowed remains buried on this ground.
p>”As a conference attendee, I can tell you that not one hateful word was uttered. To the contrary, each speaker conveyed compassion, support and understanding for men and women who are trapped in homosexual attractions or behavior.
p>”While every citizen enjoys First Amendment rights to protest, I must object, in the strongest terms, to the desecration of the cemetery by these protesters, and call on the leaders of the state and national homosexual advocacy groups to condemn their behavior.”
p>Video of the homosexual activists protesting in front of Park Street Church and desecrating the historic burial ground will be on our website later today. Be sure to check http://www.mafamily.org for the video.”
but did you guys have to trample on a cemetery to protest. Some spaces should be off limits. One of those spaces is a cemetery. Never mind the cemetery where many of the founding fathers of our country are buried.
and don’t you dare think to claim the “founding fathers of our country” for your own EaBoClipper.
p>I am pretty sure that they were saying “You Go Girl.” Just like Jesus told me that he did on Tuesday as well.
I’d give you a 2 if it were an option.
4-Needs work
Oscar Wilde had the same problem, glad he’s not on BMG
Despite the histrionic rhetoric from the Mass. Family Institute, Join the Impact never trampled any graves. The Granary is publicly-owned space visited by hundreds of thousands of people each year and well-served by a network of footpaths that steer clear of grave sites. We were there briefly to approach Park Street Church and express our outrage over the ex-gay malignancy. It hardly dishonors Sam Adams or Paul Revere when citizens challenge the forces of oppression.
p>I’m amused at how the extreme right-wing act like they own American history when so few of them have any real understanding of the subject. This country was born in a revolution against conservatism.
they should not be given a pass