Freshman Rep. James Cantwell is a different man today than he was yesterday. The Marshfield double eagle switched his vote to help put Bobby DeLeo over the top with the sales tax increase. In return Cantwell got some goodies for Marshfield in the bond bill.
Does Cantwell realize that the Governor decides which projects in the bond bill get funded? Always more projects than bond money. In other words, does Cantwell know he switched his vote in return for nothing?
Will his vote be there for the veto?
Several people got things in the budget to switch. Mike Rodriques made some moves to make the best of it and start his long journey back to a winning team.
Carolyn Dykema succumbed to leadership after what some considered water boarding.
Boobie prizes go to freshman reps and Harvard boys Jonathan Hecht and Jason Lewis. Both made their maiden speeches last night lecturing the voters on why they should pay a higher sales taxes.
Gentlemen, nine out of ten people in the chamber last night thought you fools for using your maiden speeches to argue for higher taxes.
The Lewis and Hecht expedition. Already lost and probably one-termers.
It looks like Petro has been replaced by my buddy and Raymond’s brother, Bradley Garrett.
After yesterday i would say the slots are in trouble.
At-a-boy for freshman Rep. Jim Arciero of Westford. He stood strong under fire and voted no to the sale tax.
p>Bet they didn’t cover THAT in orientation!!!
p>Not long ago, Dave Flynn, House Dean, suggested that Reps. stop sending out press releases on bond earmarks – as they don’t get done unless – A.) the agency in question approves, or B.) the earmarker has enough clout to overrule the agency. And the Gov controls ALL agencies.
p>So, I guess they were warned – by Flynn – but I bet most were clueless.
is this what our government has come to—an end to the common good. Taxpayer money is spent to under write a politicians re election by the multi and numerous special interest groups? Little wonder we are collectively going down the sewer pipe.
p>Is there anyone that runs for public office these days who is altruistic. Anyone not in it for just the power, money, perks?
I’m no fan of this sales tax hike, but I do know Jim Cantwell and he’s a smart, honest guy and a hard worker. In this case I think the blame is being directed at the wrong people.
p>How about the hypocrisy from the GOP on things like the Quinn bill. They all sign on as co-sponsors to get in good with their police pals, but then decry any means to fund it.
..we should blame those who twisted Rep. Cantwells arm!
but I do think it’s far more likely that, rather than some DeLeo waterboarding tactics, House progressives voted for this because it was the best out of bad options. The gas tax didn’t have the votes — even at half Governor Patrick’s proposal – never mind the income tax. So, at this stage of the game at least, it was either this or nothing… which is clearly not an option for the state.
p>Hopefully we get something better out of the Senate and, while I’m willing to let see what happens with the Governor playing chicken (at the very least, it may lead to some additional reforms/cost savings), I’m not willing to blame House progressives on this. DeLeo? Sure. Paul Celluci? Absofrigginlutely. Jason Lewis and Jon Hecht? You’ve got to be kidding me.
Cantwell should have asked Alicea how buying his vote went. Southbridge is still waiting for their $500,000.
Yet Alicea too went for the tax increase.