They have a blog!–which says:
Todd Feinburg of WRKO will be the Master of Ceremonies for the Tea Party. Our speaker line-up:
* Jim Stergios – Pioneer Institute
* Carla Howell – Libertarian
* Bob Hedlund – Senator, R-MA
* Michael Johns – Heritage Foundation
* David Tuerck – Beacon Hill Institute
* Chip Faulkner – Citizens for Limited Taxation
* Brad Marston – Conservative Solutions
* Barry Hinkley – Fair Tax
* Kris Mineau – Massachusetts Family Institute
* Paul Jehle – The Plymouth Rock Foundation
* Dale Graessle – Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights
Note usual suspects.
Please share widely!
johnk says
Greatest line ever … via David Shuster:
p>I love Republicans, they are the only ones who could have come up with a tea bagging movement lead by Dick Armey.
tblade says
p>They whole double entendre-filled segment, played completely dry by Shuster, was awesome.
kbusch says
You know I had only caught the pun at the end when I first heard it. Listening to it again, Shuster really is amazing. The number of double entendres is extraordinary. Particularly for TV news commentary.
huh says
Chip Faulkner is better known for his frequent appearances on the MassResistance radio show bloviating against gay rights and Kris Mineau should need no introduction.
peter-porcupine says
Boston is only one of 5 or 7 events around the state; all of them have speakers.
kbusch says
Atrios (via a reader) points us to a hilarious article from Washington, DC. It seems that the DC “teabaggers” did not get a permit to dump their 1 million teabags. Oops. So incompetent.
What to do? What to do?
By the way, didn’t the Boston Tea Party happen before 1907? I thought it did. 1907, you see, was the year tea bags started to become commercial. A loose screw in their time machine, too?
p>Next door, I learn that, in addition to such matters as protocol with Saudi royals, Michelle Obama’s sleevelessness, Barrack Obama’s birth certificate, and other pressing matters of national unimportance, a brouhaha has developed over their newly minted state chair. She may or may not have given her first interview to a homosexual tabloid.
p>The horror!
huh says
The MassResistance folks have whipped themselves into a froth over this. This is possibly the sanest part:
p>Romney was apparently a closet lefty…
bcal92 says
2. There were a lot of rocks around Massachusetts left without the creatures who live beneath them.
3. The shaven-head guys waving the large flags with M-16s and the caption “Try and come take my guns!” were quite frightening.
john-from-lowell says
I’m going to treat this event with respect. I’m sparing the /snark, so that this report will be taken for it’s worth.
p>I was at the Lowell event today at about 6:30 pm. The crowd was cool, no hot heads to speak off. I’m a vet and was wearing a “Desert Storm” hat with my “Veterans for Obama” t-shirt underneath my fully zipped jacket.
p>Folks had signs that were reasonable for such an event. This one was the one I found the most offensive. I’d like to see a MAGOP leader hold this for a photo op. AIN’T HAPPENIN’
p>As I milled about in JFK Plaza, a guy came up to shake my hand with the appreciative, “thank you for your service.” His gratitude spurred on the guy behind him, who followed suit. BUT this guy added with a wink, “we may need you again.” I looked at him blank, somewhat puzzled. At the time, it just didn’t dawn on me, what he meant. I never claimed to be the sharpest pin in the cushion.
p>The group, at this time I’d say at about 150 people, headed over to the canal crossing on Merrimack St to do the “re-enactment.”
p>I stood across the canal, unzipped my jacket and snapped some pics. As we returned to JFK Plaza, my Obama logo unfurled, I got some odd looks, but no one gave me any shit.
p>What I saw was a small assembly of concerned citizens. I’d bet they were nuttier than they behaved, but I saw no flagrant displays. Just that sign above and the guy that hinted of armed rebellion.
kathy says
There was quite a mess in and around the State House last night. Oh, that’s right. Our tax money paid for the public services that cleaned up after the selfish protestors who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. Oh, the irony!
lynne says
I was expecting that, but I’m sorry to hear the protesters lived up to my expectations of them. I’m sure that happened all around the country – not to mention, the cost of the police details that always are a part of these sorts of events. I doubt most of these fees had to be paid by organizers.
huh says
They had to send a robot out to check it.
p>The organizers, of course, claimed the person wasn’t affiliated with the demonstration. They also claim it was non-partisan. Riiiiigggght.
kbusch says
There was at least one tea bag event where the speaker claimed that the crowd consisted of such America-loving patriots that they’d never dream of leaving a mess.