REGISTER NOW TO INSURE YOUR SPOT! Sign up now at: Support Local OFA Efforts by contributing here: https://www.democrats.org/page/contribute/OFAMay16 QUESTIONS? Send email to ofama2009@gmail.com
More information on the flip
What is the Grassroots Organizing Forum? |
The Grassroots Organizing Forum will give you a chance to network with like-minded volunteers, organizers and activists who share your passion for the issues that matter most to our country. You’ll hear from Mitch Stewart, National Director of Organizing for America, and have a chance to give input into what OFA should be doing. You’ll hear about exciting campaigns in the three areas at the core of President Obama’s agenda – education, health care and energy – and what you can do to help win them. And you’ll learn ways to leverage the political clout that comes from organizing around an issue-based campaign.
What is OFAMA?
Organizing for America-Massachusetts is made up of volunteers from all over the Commonwealth – volunteers just like you who worked tirelessly to elect Barack Obama as our new President. Now we must work to make the platform we campaigned for into a reality. We can do that by organizing around President Obama’s agenda in concrete way.
Donate to OFAMA.
REGISTER NOW TO INSURE YOUR SPOT! Sign up now at: Support Local OFA Efforts by contributing here: https://www.democrats.org/page/contribute/OFAMay16 QUESTIONS? Send email to ofama2009@gmail.com
If Mapquesting this address for SEIU, use DORCHESTER rather than Boston. I learned the hard way a couple of years ago that using Boston for Mt. Vernon Street will lead to a two-block-long narrow side street off of Beacon Hill.
Very cool.
p>Organizing For America – Greater Lowell prepares and serves dinner at the Lowell Transitional Living Center on the last Monday of every month. The spaghetti & meatball dinner receives much praise from the residents. :v) We have also contributed, along with several other local volunteer community groups, in LTLC’s continual improvement efforts.
p>On March 28th, we helped with painting the hallways in the women’s dormitory:
(l-r)Diane Swift, Susanne Curry, Andy Thomas, Phil Maynard, Chris Thomas age 12,
and Annmarie Thomas. (Taking the photo: Joanne Maynard)
p>Our group’s coordinator, Susanne Curry, commented, “By giving a fresh coat of paint to the hallways and dormitory areas at the shelter, we are helping those who are facing great difficulties by keeping their surroundings beautiful and clean. As a group, we feel strongly in service as a way to create community among ourselves and with others.”
p>Anyone that is interested in learning more, or joining Organizing For America – Greater Lowell can contact us here: ofa.greaterlowell@gmail.com
Remember how you felt about a week after Election Day (after you’d caught up on sleep)? Some of us were feeling “jet lag” after being in campaign mode for a long time. But many of us honestly wanted to know “What’s next?” (God knows I got that question more often than I can say, in November and December…)
p>This IS what’s next: the next iteration of a great campaign. An organizing forum for President Obama’s supporters to reconnect. To hear from speakers who are at the forefront of big initiatives. To figure out concrete ways to advocate for his legislative agenda — on local, state or national levels. (Full disclosure: I’m on the team that is organizing it.)
p>Should be a great event. Sign yourself up today. Recommend it to others.