All my diaries, comments, ratings and profile are gone. I tried emailing to, but it bounced.
We’re sorry. There’s a problem with the e-mail address(es) you’re trying
to send to. Please verify the address(es) and try again. If you continue
to have problems, please contact Customer Support at (
child status 100…The e-mail message could not be delivered because the user’s mailfolder is full.
Please share widely!
It’s a known issue with the server transition that’s ongoing. Hopefully it’ll be fixed later today. Thanks for letting us know.
p>I’ll look into the mailbox issue!
It has gone off looking for something and left behind a blank page.
I’ve gotten 20 of them in the last 10 minutes. It’s like a concise MCRD post.
When I first brought up the BMG page, under “Recent Posts” and in the front page posts, it correctly indicates the number of ‘new’ comments, but on the “Readers Recommended” section there were no indications of ‘new’ comments.
With the disappearance of our history pages, I’m considering crafting a new online persona. I’m trying to figure out which would be most annoying:
p>-Someone who agrees with everything Tim Cahill does, and accuses anyone who disagrees of being overly cynical and trusting of mainstream media;
p>-Someone dedicated to installing creation science in our schools; or
p>-An endless promoter of the Green/Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, who accuses everyone of having sold out, being too far to the right, and out of touch with the concerns of Bay Staters.
You could mold all three into a single persona. I’d be impressed if you could pull it off.
The title writes itself:
p>”Tim Cahill: The Green “Democrat” we need to bring faith back into our schools”
At least, they should be. If they’re not, let me know!
I had a pithy comment disappear into the ether. Kismet or karma?
when you pith into the wind.
I tried to send a message to just now (about this link-farm post), and it bounced with the same error.