“I recognize that the issue of same-sex marriage is intensely passionate and personal, and raises strong emotions on all sides.
“I still believe the fundamental issue is about providing the same rights and protections to same-sex couples as are available to heterosexual couples. This was accomplished through the passage of the civil unions law two years ago. To achieve further real progress, the federal government would need to take action to recognize New Hampshire civil unions.”
BH commenters seem more optimistic about the gov.
…he should be able to sign. He seems popular enough to be able to expend political capital on a potentially unpopular position.
that is the most popular available position. new poll came out today that showed, nationally, 43% favored marriage equality, 25% civil unions and 28% no legal recognition. http://www.dailykos.com/storyo…
p>The problem is that Lynch has this weird thing about attracting Republican voters. There are plenty of those out there to get without vetoing this bill — even amongst Republicans, about 20% support marriage equality according to that poll and even more if you add in civil unions.
p>BTW – the country is moving rapidly on this issue. It was only at 22% in favor acording to the same poll in 2004. And it moved up 11% last month alone. Guess Vermont and Iowa made a big difference!
I think Governor Lynch is certainly in a position to be able sign the bill without having to worry about long-term political repercussions, but even if he isn’t willing to do so, I’d hope he’d let the bill become law without his signature.
He’s too cautious to sign it, but won’t stop it.
otherwise, david souter wouldn’t be returning home. ;D
BH commenters seem more optimistic about the gov.
…he should be able to sign. He seems popular enough to be able to expend political capital on a potentially unpopular position.
that is the most popular available position. new poll came out today that showed, nationally, 43% favored marriage equality, 25% civil unions and 28% no legal recognition. http://www.dailykos.com/storyo…
p>The problem is that Lynch has this weird thing about attracting Republican voters. There are plenty of those out there to get without vetoing this bill — even amongst Republicans, about 20% support marriage equality according to that poll and even more if you add in civil unions.
p>BTW – the country is moving rapidly on this issue. It was only at 22% in favor acording to the same poll in 2004. And it moved up 11% last month alone. Guess Vermont and Iowa made a big difference!
I think Governor Lynch is certainly in a position to be able sign the bill without having to worry about long-term political repercussions, but even if he isn’t willing to do so, I’d hope he’d let the bill become law without his signature.
He’s too cautious to sign it, but won’t stop it.
otherwise, david souter wouldn’t be returning home. ;D