The president’s new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air.
John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.…
This guy Holdren is a complete moron. The Israeli’s conducted a study eight years ago and have found that almost 15% of the available light from the sun is now being reflected back into space due to space junk, earth’s air pollution, and jet contrails. now Obama wants to put additional crap in the air with malice aforethought? First it is patently illegal. Who gave Obama the legal authority to tamper with the earth’s climate? What If—-the new weather changes caused meteorological catastrophe in China or Russia—would this be an act of war? What If—– there was a catastrophic unintended consequence—which there always is.
The very thought of this is outrageous, illegal, and scientifically dangerous. But I guess if Barack Obama wants to do it—it’s OK.
lightiris says
Andrew Breitbart, the “Potato Day” guy?
p>It’s fine that the article you link to is an AP article, but clearly you have been wallowing in the fetid droppings that pass for comments on that site as fuel for your outrage. You really should stop reading Breitbart batshittery; it’ll rot your your brain.
joets says
kbusch says
The debates on dKos are actually quite lively. (Witness the recent debate on the bank crisis.) There is also a strong eagerness to ferret out what’s true as opposed to being “like the freepers”, i.e., there’s pressure to be better than the leading conservative sites.
p>I write here about the community, not about individual dKos contributors.
hrs-kevin says
p>Call the police; someone has been doing some illegal thinking!