That most loathsome of local swine, Jay Severino, has been suspended for doing the same thing he always does – spewing racist hate-crap on the airwaves.
From the Globe article:
Jay Severin, the fiery, right-wing radio talk show host on Boston’s WTKK-FM radio station, was suspended today after calling Mexican immigrants “criminaliens,” “primitives,” “leeches,” and “women with mustaches and VD,” among other incendiary comments.
Heidi Raphael, a spokeswoman for the station, said Severin had been suspended indefinitely from his afternoon drive-time show. She declined to say which of his comments – made since an outbreak of swine flu was linked to Mexico in recent days – sparked the suspension…
In one of his broadcasts this week, Severin said: “So now, in addition to venereal disease and the other leading exports of Mexico – women with mustaches and VD – now we have swine flu.”
Later, he described Mexicans as “the world’s lowest of primitives.”
“When we are the magnet for primitives around the world — and it’s not the primitives’ fault by the way, I’m not blaming them for being primitives — I’m merely observing they’re primitive,” he said.
So what did Severino do this time that was different than every other show he does? Let’s hope he’s off the air for good.
to conservative talk radio: progressive talk radio, airing on 1510 AM from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. as of next Monday!
p>Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Boston Progressive Talk is On the Air!
with a stupid, reckless photo-op, but Severin getting suspended spawns THREE posts.
Obama Orders Review of New York Flight
I just rest assured because I know you would give a similar pass if this happened during Bush’s term.
to support the idea that Bush had personally approved such a thing, your assurance is warranted. Do you have any evidence that Obama personally approved the fly-by? Or that he suggested it? Or anything like that?
Do you think he actually orders most things done by the government?
plus the fact that Severin is a local story. Settle down, Joe.
It always cracks me up when the right-wing sheep complain about the stories the rest of us AREN’T posting here. It’s an open forum, JoeTS. Knock yourself out.
I didn’t post it because I’m not going to be the wahh wahh guy who posts every time Obama messes up. First of all, that’s a full-time job, and second of all, it’s annoying to everyone.
p>I just think it’s interesting how that huge flap made it under the BMG radar but Jay Severin going down is a big deal.
Really what is there to talk about re the flying incident? What do you think should be said that isn’t being said?
is why would the FAA threaten to sanction the NYPD if they disclosed the flight was going to take place? I fail to see what the motivation behind it. Really! Obama wasn’t on the flight, so it wasn’t even a defense measure.
p>And you’re 100% correct. I do have strange interests.
Please supply a link to this FAA threat to the NYPD. What exactly were they threatening to do?
right here
Which says:
I would really like to see the actual wording of the memo. TV news paraphrases are far from reliable sources of information. My google search for the memo resulted in lots of sites, all of which quoted your TV news link.
p>It may be as they say, but I am not going to take their word for it.
you’ll do a lot of work and then “those” sources will be questioned or simply not believed. People simply won’t believe anything that they don’t WANT to believe.
The First Massachusetts Fatality of The “SWINE FLU” …. Self-Inflicted !