Time for USA to disclose everything that was done (acts of commsission) regarding the “management ” of terrorists from 1990 to present. The Shanghaing/kidnapping of terrorists from their countries of origin to Balkan countries and Egypt for “intensive questioning” during the Clinton administration to Guantanamo/Afgahanistan/Russia/Balkans/Egypt/Israel during the Bush 43 administration must be investigated and prosecuted. Members of congress and members of the Clinton Administartion as well as Clinton and Bush must be held to account. It may even be advisable to allow the Hague to begin a war crimes investigation and prosecution and allow for full disclosure of all CIA documents as to what was done to whom and what they said. There is no reason why Madeleine Albright, Sandy Tenet, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George Bush 41 & 43, Condoleeza Rice and everyone associated in CIA should not be brought before tribunals domestically and internationally. Let the prosecutions begin and let the chips fall as they may. If we are to have a blood letting, let it begin here, continue in Europe and let the blood flow freely and universally to show the world that USA should and will punish ALL responsible parties regardless of motive and mitigation.
Special Prosecutor for Truth Tribunal
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