After the spat Napolitano got for the memo on far-right extremism to the violent degree, the FBI is adding a domestic terrorist to its most-wanted list.
So, is it an abortion clinic bomber? A anti-gay rights supporter? Ron White? One could only hope it’s Ron White.
But nope. It’s an animal rights activist
Good thing Rush flipped out over this.
Please share widely!…
If you’re going to bomb buildings, you should expect to be prosecuted.
p>Nobody in the Weathermen doubted they would be arrested and prosecuted — such actions were, in fact, the point of the exercise. Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, and the rest of the Chicago Seven understood that in a way that today’s “revolutionaries” — of any persuasion — would do well to remember.
The left blogosphere is awash with Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachman, and similar hysterics. I’d certainly hope there are saner heads on the right than that sort. We might be experiencing the typical bias due to salience.* How widespread, then, is the view among conservatives that Obama is out to them, that Obama is out to destroy the country, and that Obama is anti-American?
p>I’m hoping we’re hearing more of this than is truly representative.
This means people are biased toward salient information even if salient cues contain less information.
Because I hate this kind of Psych 101-ization of politics.
p>But, to keep with your, ahem, framing of this issue, one hopes that the non-crazy conservatives grow a bit more salient and a bit less silent.
I’m wondering whether there’s any polling on such matters yet.
p>Didn’t want you thinking I was getting all fuzzy, you know.
… that Obama is out to get them …