What sort of “fallout” do we think the administration fears? While the US Government winds itself in ever-tightening circles about the documented, administration-ordered torture of US “detainees”, why do we suppose this tape might be explosive?
Am I the only one who wonders how we can simultaneously be revolted by scenes like this and not prosecute the President and Vice President who apparently ordered the use of similar methods?
I’m sure its pure coincidence that Halliburton, the family business of Mr. Cheney (who was its CEO from 1995-2000) and beneficiary of staggering amounts of no-bid US Government contracts during the Iraq debacle, announced in 2007 that it was moving its corporate headquarters to the UAE.
It sounds like Mr. Cheney fits right into at least some part of the UAE culture. You don’t suppose Mr. Cheney might land there if successfully prosecuted for war crimes, do you?