Dear Editors, (NYT)
Thank God torture continues to be a sore issue May it continue. Military people, among others, have demolished the rationale, not only saying it’s unreliable for information, but degrading to morale and encourages abuse. I can’t help but think its real motivation on helpless captives is sadistic.
This polite debate whether it’s necessary, or important, or expedient, to prosecute torturers is dismaying. Let’s declare officially, outright and finally: Purposely, methodically, hurting people is not to be done, that it’s beyond discussion except as violent crime of the worst order, no matter who does it, or who authorizes or orders it.
I’m hoping that citizens will notify the admirable Mr. Obama that some matters are beyond temporizing, this is one of them, and failing to provide leadership is damaging. He’d be surprised I’ll bet, what a hoorah he’d get if he would speak up.
Tom from Troy, NY