THIS formal session is a long one.
I have several gripes with this coverage:
1. Use of loud musack so you cannot hear the rostrum and other conferencing.
2. Poor picture quality compared to the former cable – you can have ant-sized reps or large fuzzy pixels and nothing in between.
While something is better than nothing, BRING BACK CABLE COVERAGE – say I.
Please share widely!
I’d love to give them some linky goodness from my site.
I don’t think I will be able to watch to the end, and I don’t have the amendments they are voting on, they don’t read them out loud, and Speaker Pro Tem Petrolati doesn’t give anyone time to say yea or nay – though there is a real, and heated, regional divide.
…and as you say, you can’t tell the players without a scorecard.
p>Perhaps tomorrow they’ll explain it all to us…
All you tech – savvy folk out there – given that all legislation is now filed and distributed w/in the State House electronically as adobe .pdf files, how hard would it be to also post them “sidebar” while debate is ongoing?
p>I realize I may be not quite correct in calling what went on last night “a debate” – but even so, having whatever is being voted on easily available at the same time the digital feed is running would make it easier for “true civic engagement” to occur. What say you?
After 11:30, dozens of amendments implemented, not read, not even who sponsored. Jsut passed because the speaker said so.