Turnpike experience yesterday…..traumatic
To Castle Island….Getting on at the Sturbrige entrance was OK, Wait was reasonable.
Going through toll at exit 15. Arrived at 1:02 PM. Line was 4/10ths of a mile long. Three cash lanes open. Arrived at Booth 7 at 1:16 PM. Turnpike Employee was slow and indifferent. He was listening to loud music. Because of my own stupidity, and my need to get through the toll booth so I didn’t hold up the line, when he handed me .15 I drove away not realizing he still owed me $6.00. As I was driving along, I thought about the experience and remembered watching him work as I was waiting in line, he was slow with every customer. He did seem to have to give more than one hand out of change with every customer. Anyway losing the $6.00 was my own fault for not paying attention. But he was much slower than he needed to be, seemed to be off in LaLa land somewhere(rocking out in his head to the music may have been distracting for him). I was not impressed. I think a 15 minute wait is way too long. The fast lane line was backed up too because the people who were in that line in error were cutting into the cash lanes, so therefore they were blocking the fast lane lines. It would be great if the PTA MTA could hire employees who care about excellent customer service and who are willing to provide it to keep their jobs. They don’t seem to be concerned at all about losing their jobs. There were “free Fast Lane transponder” signs everywhere. I am thinking about getting one, even though I will rarely use it.
Trip home was traumatic, through no fault of the PTA MTA. Near the Natick exit, there was a full 30 gallon trash bag in the middle of the highway, swerved to miss it but hit something that had come from the bag. Ended up with a total left rear flat, and slow leak in left front tire. MTA Authorized Towing company arrived within 10 minutes, towed me off the Pike, put my spare on the total flat, and absolutely saved the day. I give a ***** five star rating to the towing company and the employee who provided the excellent customer service.
About a mile down the road from the trash bag incident, before my tire went fully flat, I saw the trash bag people on the side of the road, trying to secure their remaining trash bags back on to the top of their car. IDIOTS! They are lucky they didn’t cause a 50 car
pile up with fatalities.
On a happier note. I loved Castle Island, it was really nice. Very crowded though, Difficult to find parking, next time I go it will be on a week day. Weekends are just too busy.
… and Howie Carr was right today.
they probably would make just as much if the just had those 50 cent coin drop booths that I’ve happened upon a few times somewhere in my travels.
I do hope my $6.00 went into the cash register and not the employees pocket. Almost wonder if it’s the latest scam by employees to grab some extra cash, hand out the coins first. I’m sure at least a few hurried people drive away without the bills. I’ve never had change handed that way to me before, it’s always been in one handout, bills and coins.