Thanks to Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post for compiling a useful list of state political blogs. Ever want to know what’s going on in Virginia? Apparently, the amusingly-named Not Larry Sabato is the place to be.
And a special thanks to Cillizza — and, more importantly, to any of you who might’ve encouraged him — for recognizing us. BMG appears in bold on his list, which is significant because:
In a state where one blog was far and away the most recommended by Fix readers, we have noted it by bolding the name of the blog.
Please share widely!
Well earned!
Didn’t even get the proverbial honorable mention.
“It’s part of a liberal media conspiracy that we didn’t get a mention. Assclowns!”
I couldn’t even deal with some of it before, but gradually it seems the to be more reasonable and well-argued over there.
Seems to be improving, but not encouragingly so… I glanced at the first post for example: “Maybe we should start boosting the positives of a free market economy rather than continually accusing the left of socialism.”
p>Problem is, ‘the left’ isn’t against a free market economy. Not to mention, socialism itself isn’t anti-‘free market’. The desire to frame socialism as a black or white issue is to misunderstand all kinds of things… probably in service to keeping it an ‘us vs. them’ meme.
nope… I take it back. I don’t think its any better. Re-reading that thread with the new comments confirms they’re off the deep end.
The reaction to Jennifer Nassour’s Bay Window’s interview covers all the old tired bases.
p>I do find it amusing that a 30 something unmarried man is the GOP State Committee member spearheading the fight to outlaw gay marriage.
Bunch of rank amateurs if you ask me…