Yesterday I tore into freshman rep. Jason Lewis. Ryan called my assault a diatribe.
Perhaps it was.
Upon review I must say it was not my best work. It lacked direction without a solid foundation. None of the little pithiness BMGers are accustom to.
Jason, I apologies. You deserved better. BMGers, I am also sorry. It was not my A-game. The craft must be respected..
So. In the interest of fairness to Jason and BMgers, I am taking a mulligan on yesterday’s post and giving it another try.
Jason, you are a moron. Really dude.
You do understand that a rep’s maiden speech is unlike all his others? It comes with fan fare. There is an automatic long and enthusiastic standing ovation for every reps meaiden speech. The local paper makes a big deal out of it too.
Most of the time a rep. uses it to promote something near and dear to the district or a quality of life issue.
Never ever have I heard someone use the maiden speech rallying for new taxes.
Jason, vote with the speaker. No problem man. But to give your maiden speech in support of the vote? Who asked you to do that?
Did you really think DeLeo will be making you a chairman someday? The guy hates you Harvard liberal types. You know that, don’t you?
Did you think your speech was going to WOW your fellow members and actually get some votes?
Ok. Ok. That was mistake number 1. No big deal. We all make rookie mistakes. I mentioned it in passing in a post the day. You and another freshman. I forget the other guys name already. That’s because he let it go.
Now the speech itself. Jason. This speech is awesome. You get an A. And I will personally call your parents and tell them to get you a Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model BB rifle with a compass in the stockfor Christmas.
My goodness I can’t understand why you haven’t replaced Charley Murphy already.
I believe that strong schools for all our children are the most important investment we can make in our future.
In other words, ‘the children are our future’.
Jesus, that’s profound.
But what really stands out it this is a speech a governor or legislative leader should be making. I encourage all to read it.
Jason Lewis, the new Jarrett Barrios.
You spoke about specific problems in other reps districts. You represent Winchester and Stoneham Jason. Did they elect you to use your clout for Holyoke?
Do the reps from those cities and towns appreciate it?
Trust me Jason, they don’t. You now have zero points with many of them.
Let’s look at Jason’s views on this year’s budget.
This is all you have to read to see that Jason is a nim-kum-poop:
I urge you to join me
in advocating for a FY10 budget that minimizes any local aid cuts. You can take
action by contacting the new Speaker of the House, Bob DeLeo, and the new
Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charley Murphy.
Jason, your constituents did not elect Bob DeLeo. You did. They did not elect Charley Murphy. The guy you elected as speaker appointed him. Your constituents elected you to represent them “IN THE HOUSE”. To advocate for them to your fellow legislators. What do they need you for if they have to do it themselves.
And BTW, what the fuck do Deleo and Murphy care what the people of Stoneham and Winchester want? Talk about the waste of stamps and electrons.
Are you that politically stupid?
Me thinks you are.
OK. Let’s recap the evidence leading to the indictment charging idiocy.
1. Jason posted on BMG – first mistake;
2. Maiden speech arguing for taxes is political no no;
3. Maiden speech not district oriented but meant to be given by state official or legislative leader;
4. Mentioned many other districts in speech. Yet only mentioned one of two towns he represents.
5. Asks his constituents to do his job by going directly to speaker and ways and means chair.
6. Oh yeah, I forgot. Deval campaigned for you. More reason not to use your maiden speech in support of the sales tax.
It looks as if the basic dos and don’ts of state legislating are not clicking in Jason’s brain.
You’re boosting his name recognition anwyay.
Yikes. That is a Jon Stewart-esque takedown…
sounds like a bout of monomania to me.
I am making absolutely clear that I disagree with you on this, and on Jason’s maiden speech. Mind, if I was a coward, or someone who slinks around criticizing poeple behind their backs, I would have been silent.
p>Not me. Nope. What I say is what I think – and as you well know, I will fight very hard for what I believe in even when it doesn’t net me $$$ or a fan club.
p>I rather liked Jason’s maiden speech, frankly, and I prefer reps who can see over the horizon.
p>So, Ernie – I lob my over ripe tomatos at YOU this time, not Jason.
Ernie hates any public figure that comes here to toss ideas back and forth. Boo Doug Rubin, boo Paul Levy, boo Jason Lewis. Boo boo boo. Whatta buncha maroons.
p>Yet personally, he can’t seem to tear himself away from this site.
Ernie hates any other public figure that comes here to toss ideas back and forth.
Rep Lewis made a grip of cash selling RSA to EMC and now in semi-retirement, has every right, even a duty! in his premere speech to tell us that we ought to pay more in tax.
p>”On Wall Street he and a few others – how many? – three hundred, four hundred, five hundred? – had become precisely that … Masters of the Universe.”
the wit returned. I’d say sense, but you know I know I don’t think that’s your forte ;p
p>In all seriousness, though, I think a maiden speech has far more fanfare from within the legislature than from without. Sure, a local paper may cover it, but how many people read that local paper? A small chunk of the district and it’s forgotten within a month, tops. And it probably only gets covered anywhere if the Rep sends the speech and a fully written accompanying article a press release as well. Goodness knows a local paper isn’t actually going to show up for the maiden speech!
p>Moreover, though, I don’t find it “moronic” at all that a true progressive would use his or her maiden speech to espouse the need for people to contribute more to government. Indeed, that seems like a pretty big policy point for progressives — and Jason never hid the fact that he was a progressive when running for office. A 1-termer Jason Lewis is not. Moreover, methinks you secretly know that as well. But thanks for bringing back the wit.
Why is that a mistake? It seems this is the premiere progressive blog in the commonwealth and a good way to outreach. Last I looked it even has a link from the state party website.
Well, around the breakfast table at Frannie’s Restaurant on Swanton St it used to be that the Winchester in-the-know townies and solons could have a few laughs talking about Paul Casey’s animal house antics…how sad they were to see him go…but, wait!…a new Rep. with entertainment value has emerged to take his place! Rep. Lewis’ maiden speech had them rolling in the aisles this week…Ernie used the word “moron” (ouch!) to describe Jason’s first foray into podium foolery… and so did they.
p>By the way, where can we get a copy of the roll call taken last night at the end of the session…the “R” group of amendments?
Y’know, if a club admits you, it cannot be any good?
p>Well, YOU are a valued part of the BMG community. What would political discourse be like without…pickels and hot sauce, anyway?
p>None of the regulars are exactly shy and retiring, y’think?
p>So if a public figure joins into the fray, you downgrade them? Heh. Sounds like a Woody Allen Complex – at least to me.
Woody was waiting for a properly worshipful club to be formed for him to deign to join (still waiting…)
p>BTW – one shrewd Rep. I knew insisted that you shouldn’t even MAKE your maiden speech while a freshman – the temptation was great to squander that one-time opportunity, and most issues come and go often enough for you to need to be there for a while to calcualte maximum effect.
p>One rep. I know made his maiden speech on the subject of dress codes in public schools – while his school system wrestled with bankruptcy…
From BrainyQuote, backed up by Bartlett’s, ThinkExist and Wikipedia.
p>AND reruns of ‘You Bet Your Life’!
You can argue that it was politically risky for him to give a maiden speech in favor of a tax hike but all the power to Rep. Lewis for having the balls to do that. At least his constituents will know where he stands as opposed to a guy who votes for something but isn’t willing to stand up and advocate for it. We could use more reps like that.
p>And I guess your translation of smart politics is to stick to issues that no one will actually oppose in his community. So he should have given his first speech lobbying for a new monkey exhibit at the Stoneham Zoo or better snow removal from DCR on roads in the Middlesex Fells.
The giraffes at Stone zoo!
p>The Winchestah’ Staah’ has become a rag with no useful information, just petty quarrels between locals and advertisements, with an occasional story on affordable housing.
Previous speculation here.