After reading yet another story about the Friends of Tim Cahill in today’s Globe (… ) I am digging through my political button box in search of a Shannon O’Brien for Treasurer pin.
It is hard to believe that Treasurer Cahill would be entertaining a run for Governor or even having the hubris to whack the Governor at every opportunity considering the growing stench coming from his own operation.
Shannon O’Brien was an outstanding Treasurer and transformed that office into an innovative and well-run operation…when she turned it over to Cahill it was a shining example of what can be done right (and honestly) in government. It is sad to see Cahill tarnish that legacy.
DRAFT O’BRIEN 2010…sign me up…now.
I always thought during the 2002 cycle that her primary impetus for running for Governor was that others thought she should. In speech after speech on the campaign trail she made a lot of good points about why she should be re-elected Treasurer, which was great except for the part where she was running for GOVERNOR.
Of all the Democrats in the state, I’m gonna hafta choose between Deval Patrick and Tim Cahill next year? That’s just not fair.