Platform Vote
I’ve been asked by a number of people what the impact of a no vote on the party platform would be. I submitted the question to Jim Roosevelt, the Party’s Chief Legal Counsel. His response: “After consideration and discussion, I believe this is the answer. The current platform stays in place until a new one or any part thereof is adopted by a convention.”
Platform and Amendments:
– Signature requirement 250.
– (Due) at least fifteen minutes before the opening of the proper time for consideration of the appropriate provisions of the Party Platform.
– Twenty minute debate on each provision or any amendments thereto, equally divided between opponents and proponents.
– Majority to pass.
“The Chair shall submit amendments to the proposed Party Platform from the floor for consideration and vote at the same time that the appropriate provision is presented. Amendments accompanied by the signatures of two hundred fifty (250) Delegates and a copy of the amendment for each registered delegate shall be presented to the Sergeant-At-Arms, at least fifteen minutes before the opening of the proper time for consideration of the appropriate provisions of the Party Platform. All amendments must be divided into numbered paragraphs and must specify on each signature page, the provision to be amended. The Chair shall proceed with an orderly presentation of the provisions of the Party Platform as proposed by the Party Platform Committee. Each provision or appropriate group of provisions as determined by the Chair shall be the main motion. Debate on each provision or any amendment thereto shall be limited to twenty (20) minutes, equally divided between proponents and opponents.”
Resolutions and Referring Items to the Democratic State Committee
– Submitted in writing by Noon on the day of the Convention to the Sergeant-at-Arms.
– Signature requirement: 50 delegates.
– Two thirds vote to suspend the rules to allow a matter to be considered.
– Purpose:
—- Refer an item to the Democratic State Committee OR
—- Adopt a resolution relative to a sense of the Convention.
– Decided without debate.
– Reuires a vote of (2/3) of all delegates voting.
“The Chairperson may entertain a motion to suspend the Rules, in order to allow a matter submitted in writing by at least 50 Delegates by Noon of the day of the Convention to the Sergeant-at-Arms, to refer an item to the Democratic State Committee or to adopt a resolution relative to a sense of the Convention, which shall be decided without debate and which shall require a vote of two thirds (2/3) of all Delegates voting, a quorum being present.”
Copies for Each Delegate
– Not printed by the Democratic State Committee.
– Sufficient copies for each delegate. (The MDP is recommending people bring 2500 copies.)
– Shall be presented to the Sergeant-at-Arms by 10:00 AM for the day of the Convention.
“Matters allowed to be submitted as provided, by signature of delegates, will not be printed by the Democratic State Committee. However, the proposer of same shall be responsible for printing at his/her expense sufficient copies for each delegate. The printed petitions shall be presented to the Sergeant at Arms by 10:00 AM for the day of the Convention. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the forfeiture of the right to present the matter before the convention.”
Delegates Wishing to be Recognized
– Register with the Sergeant-at-Arms at the rostrum.
– Wishing to speak on a specific amendment: — sign up with the Sergeant-at-Arms
— indicate his/her position on the amendment
— will be called on at the appopriate time
— ** See above for time limits on debate on platform amendments **
“If a Delegate wishes to be recognized by the Chairperson on any matter other than a challenge to a roll call vote, he/she must present his or her request to the Chairperson by registering with the Sergeant-at-Arms at the rostrum. . . . When a Delegate wishes to speak on a specific amendment, the Delegate should sign up with the Sergeant at Arms, indicating his/her position on the amendment, so he/she will be called on at the appropriate time.” NOTE FROM RULES COMMITTEE CHAIR: “I would point out that the speaking order as a guideline is ‘first-signed, first considered’ with the proposer(s) having the majority say as to the proponents. The opponents, depending on view point, can be shuffled so all views are heard. This is a Sergeant-at-Arms decision.”
– 750 certified delegates
“Seven hundred and fifty (750) certified Delegates to the convention shall constitute a quorum of the Convention for the purpose of transacting business. Upon a point of order of no quorum being made, the Chairperson shall ascertain the presence or absence of a quorum by visual estimation and shall not proceed until he or she determines that a quorum is present. A standing count shall be ordered upon the request of any 50 Delegates. A certified Delegate is one whose credentials are validated at the Convention Hall.”
Amending the rules
– May be amended from the floor of the convention by a two-thirds vote of the delegates.
“The Rules of the Convention, providing for all votes by simple majority except for a two-thirds majority required to suspend the rules, shall be recommended to the State Committee by the Rules Committee thereof and shall be adopted by a majority vote of the State Committee. The rules so adopted shall be distributed to the delegates not less than two weeks before the convention and may be amended from the floor of the convention by a two-thirds vote of the delegates.” (Quoted from the Charter)
You post is clear, well organized, printable and helpful to all. I appreciate your work and work ethic greatly.
May 31, 2009 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
This meeting will be a conference call only.
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1680
Participant Access Code: 1006763#…
p>The Communications Committee is sponsoring a conference call training for delegates to the State Convention. It will be an overview, helpful to all delegates, but especially targeted towards first time delegates. The above URL connects you to the document that outlines what to expect.
p>The training curriculum has been used at a number of events and has been well received. This is the first time that we will be offering a Conference Call training. Please spread the word to delegates, especially new delegates, in your area. Please RSVP to if you are planning on joining us.
p>For technical reasons, the conference will be limited to the first 100 callers. If we get more than that, a second session will be scheduled for 9 PM.
We will get our credentials in good time via snail mail this year?
as I understand it was that credentials would be mailed out to everyone who was registered as of 5/28. This year, we have a full five day week so I am optimistic that everything will go well.