Not the best day to be writing these words, “I was home sick today…” but this is not about the flu (which I’m fairly confident I do not have).
Instead, I was dowsing off to MSNBC around 3pm when the other topic of the day…speculation of who Obama will appoint to the Supreme Court was being discussed. They included Gov. Patrick in the mix-about the third time I’ve seen his name kicked around today on the blogs and cable news.
They were interviewing Harvard’s own Alan Dershowitz, who did not have kind things to say about our Governor and (I presume) his former student. He called Deval a “mediocre lawyer” who has become a “mediocre Governor” and such an appointment would constitute a political payoff.
I thought the chattering class around here might get a kick out of that factoid.
(I hunted for the transcripts, but did not find them. It happened around 2:30 – 3:15 before I napped. And no, I did not dream it…rather it rattled me from my rem.)
An early supporter of detainee torture who is also the poster boy for getting rich, guilty defendants off the hook for murder. I couldn’t care less what that guy thinks.
The legal equivalent of the drunk guy at your college reunion who keeps talking to anyone who will listen long after the party is over.
… but Supreme Injustice was a good read.
But I have never seen him in the trenches, you know, the kind of hard hitting legal work without papparazzi.
p>I also have not seen what I consider to be:
p>1. Fortitude.
2. Brass balls as opposed to loud talk.
3. Any evidence of originality in the work product.
p>The words “sour grapes” comes to mind – albeit I agreed that Deval Patrick is not really ready for a USSCT seat AND would not be on my top ten play list for that role.
p>Here IS a challenge: WHO would you all like to see nominated, anyway? And why?
Alan needs to tech some more.
when he endorsed the notion of picture IDs for people in the U.S.
p>I’m sorry. He’s a mental health casualty. File under Ralph Nader.
The point of placing a politician on the Court is their knowledge of how government really works. There are plenty of legal eagles. It is a good idea to have other perspectives.