We’ve already heard from one panel about the need to stay organized even though the campaign is over, and what tools are available for us to do so. We will be holding regional and local meetings going forward, so watch your email if you were involved in the campaign in your area!
Michael Fadel, Executive Vice President, MA Division, SEIU 1199
Governor Deval Patrick
Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh
“We may be crazy, but I think we’re crazy like a fox because of the way things are going.”
Mitch Stewart
Executive Director of Organizing for America:
Question: We’ve organized for health care reform. How can we broaden its reach and impact? Answer: Talk to your Congress people. Use MyBO — it has broad and lenient terms of use. Go to whitehouse.gov.
Question: How do local DNC chapters work with OFA? Answer: We’ve had lots of conference calls about this. In many states we are housed in the state parties. We are not trying to take over. We support the President’s agenda and a lot of time that is what the state party is doing — so there isn’t much difference. In some states there will be uncomfortable moments when the groups disagree. In OFA, nothing will come above supporting the President’s agenda. State parties understand that.
Question: Does participation in OFA and board membership on non-profits compromise the non-profit status? Answer: Talk to an attorney to be sure.
Question: What role do electoral and process reforms play in moving Obama’s agenda forward? Answer: We are not an electoral entity. A number of states that don’t have early voting want to get that issue on the ballot. Some states have a great system. A lot of supporters are advocating for this, even though it is not part of the OFA agenda.
Question: How does MA help organize other states? Phone banks? Answer: During your break out sessions, come up with ideas and run that up the structure. We will capture and spread your enthusiasm.
Question: There is a growing need for service. How can help with that? Answer: There are a number of worthy service projects in local communities. There is something in the works to aid in this. It’s important because you get to see the fruits of your labor, unlike what sometimes happens when working on policies in Washington.
Question: We need to find different voices to make change. How is OFA encouraging new voices? Answer: We are reaching out to Republicans. Volunteers from John McCain’s campaign are joining us. If you have policy suggestions, go to whitehouse.gov. If you have other suggestions, bring them up here.
The last 100 days
Jeff is the executive director of Wellstone Action – he gave us a quick talk about effective advocacy, and the panel is now discussing how Mass Equality used grass roots organizing to prevent any changes to our marriage laws following the Goodrich decision.
Right now, we have Cynthia Ward, Executive Director of Northeast Action, moderating a panel composed of:
p>Timothy Foley, Political Director of SEIU Local 1199
Colin Moore, Political and Goverment Relations Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
Najma Nazy’at, Director/Lead Organizer of the Bostong Youth Organizing Project
Matthew O’Malley, Political Director of MassEquality
This is where those of you who are not attending today come in – we are going to need many, many people taking action to support the president’s agenda. Watch for events coming up in your town!
…and issue campaigns are the current topic. Be patient, involve many people, not just your base, use personal stories to illustrate why you’re there. Make an effort to get to know your state senator’s and state rep’s staffs.
I’ll be editing some video and we should have that on YouTube soon
As beautiful as today is, I am in my office writing a brief this afternoon [starting shortly] and could not take today off for this session, as interested as I am.
p>This is a real service [your live bloggin] and appreciated.
Only have my cell phone, though. Will post some thoughts later from my notes.
I’m at the blogger’s table in the back of the room if you want to stop by and say hello…
… but I sent a few OFAMA bits to Twitter hash tag #ofama.
I volunteered at this event, so I only caught bits of the program. But joy, joy, guess what I found over on http://www.massforchange.com/, a detailed synopsis of the day.