Registered Voters 28543 – Cards Cast 4340 15.21% Num. Report Precinct 12 – Num. Reporting 12 100.00%
Number of Precincts 12
Precincts Reporting 12
Vote For 1
Total Votes 4215
Number of Uncast Votes 1
Write-in Votes 7
So that’s it, right? If so, congratulations to Aaron Michlewitz!
Please share widely!
As a voter in the South End portion of the 3rd Suffolk District, I’m thrilled that Aaron will be representing us in the House of Representatives. He will be an effective voice for our eclectic electorate. Susan Passoni ran a terrific campaign, but I think the victory went to Aaron because he had the more effective GOTV operation. Turnout is key in these special elections.
What do you mean, “Aaron will be representing us in the House of Representatives”??? Did you forget there is still a general election????????
but I have met the Republican candidate.
Yes, but have you met me? Three people are on the ballot in June.
p>I look forward to getting to know you and other Blue Mass Group readers, during the next month.
p>Welcome to BMG. You’ve made eight posts, and this is the first to disclose that you’re a candidate for office. Perhaps this is the first post you’ve made since you’ve become a candidate — that you’ve announced between 1am and 8:30 am today. I doubt it.
p>As a candidate, you ought to do the following:
1. Post a diary about your candidacy
2a. Include your full name in your sig
2b. Mention in your sig that you’re a candidate
p>2b is certainly “more optional”, as is 1. But, for you to be a candidate and not actively disclose it with each post, and go even further and not even post using your full name, is a bit skeevy. It’s true, you’ve got a link on your userid page, but frankly, that’s just not open enough for someone with the words “OPENNESS IN GOVERNMENT WEEK” featured prominently on a banner atop your candidacy page.
There was no “skeevy” intent, so I apologize.
p>I’ve been reading Blue Mass Group for years but hardly ever commented.
p>You’re right about the name change, so I will create a new profile (I don’t think you can change your existing name after it’s been created).
p>This is my first run for office so if I don’t do things the way candidates / politicians do things, I’m sorry.
p>Good advice, so thank you.
I can change your user name, which will allow you to keep your coveted low user number proving that you’ve been here a lot longer than most. đŸ™‚ Just let me know what you’d like your user name to be.
Hi. Thanks.
p>JohnAKeith would be fine. I may have used that one in the past, way back, but don’t remember. If it’s available, use that, please. If you can’t, how about JohnAKeithJr.
p>Third choice, Mclovin?
Progressives are so competitive
p>From #134.
It doesn’t take a seasoned politician to be able to realize that no one is going to know who you are if you don’t tell them.
15% seems kinda low. Oh well- congrats to Mr. Michlewitz. Be good.
That’s about right. Higher than usual turnout in a few north end precincts was enough to get him a little ahead of Susan Passoni’s strength in the south end.
p>Ward 3 precinct 1 was the highest turnout precinct in the district, and also one of Aaron’s strongest, with 63% for him. Susan got about 62% in the second highest turnout precinct, ward 5 precinct 1, in the south end. It more or less went like that across the rest, with the north end precincts edging out the south end precincts a little in turnout and giving Aaron the 171 vote margin in the total. It was a close race.
p>For once the City of Boston seems to have managed both counting the votes and reporting the results promptly without apparent inconsistencies. The numbers you have up there match my memory of the tallies I added up after we got results from our people at the polls.
As a supporter of Passoni, as well as a worker earlier in the
campaign, I am disappointed in the election results, but also believe
Mr. Michlewitz deserves our congratulations on his success in this
hard fought race. Additionally, I think all the candidates deserve
not only our congratulations, but our sincere admiration. This
Democratic Primary was an intense and extremely competitive race.
p>It is my hope that we acknowledge and appreciate the dedication that
each candidate has given. Despite individual policy differences,
these individuals ran because they wanted to improve the lives of the
citizens of the 3rd Suffolk and of the Commonwealth. For this we must
say thank you.
p>The primary has highlighted major concerns facing individuals and
families . I strongly hope that during the general election the
candidates will continue to focus on the important issues facing us
all. For this to happen, the media must also refrain from
sensationalized reporting that only detracts from a substantive
debate. While the personal information and history of candidates can
at times be relevant, it is vital that the focus remains on the
issues and events that resonate with the voters and contribute to a
healthy pubic debate.
p>On Tuesday only 15 percent of registered voters went to the polls (as
reported by the Globe). During the General Election the candidates
must continue to reach out to the voters. They must show the citizens
of the 3rd Suffolk district why this election is relevant and just
what is truly at stake.
p>During the primary, the candidates have done their part.
Congratulations to all. As voters, it is important that we do ours.
Congratulations to Susan Passoni for running a great campaign. It was a tough election and she deserves a lot of credit.
p>And for the record I am snarky and I enjoy it.