“Prescriptions for Health Reform”: A podcast featuring interviews with leading thinkers in the area of health care and health reform. The first three episodes feature interviews with Shannon Brownlee, author of Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine is Making Americans Sicker and Poorer; Charles Kenney, author of The Best Practice: How the New Quality Movement is Transforming Medicine; and Dr. Jerome Groopman author of How Doctors Think. New episodes will be published every two weeks at BlueCrossFoundation.org and you can subscribe now on iTunes.
Daily News Feed: The homepage will link to daily news stories on health reform from Kaiser Network as well as local blog posts and news articles.
Easy access to Foundation publications: All of the Foundation’s reports, as well as reports related to Foundation grants that have been written by grantees, are now available for download in PDF format.
Roadmap to Coverage: BlueCrossFoundation.org has a Roadmap to Coverage page that includes links to every report, policy brief, and implementation paper related to its signature policy initiative as well as descriptions of the three summits on access held at the JFK Library that featured keynotes on health care reform from then-Governor Mitt Romney, House Speaker Sal DiMasi, and Senate President Robert Travaglini.