The most important part of this script is that you customize each section with your own values, personality, etc.
[Introduction:] Hello Senator <Tolman>. My name is <Harmony Blakeway>, and I am one of your <Allston> Constituents.
[Value & Problem:] I know that you believe that <we are all safer when we are protected from toxic contaminants>. I am concerned that <the cuts to our state’s Environmental Protection funding are putting all of us at risk>.
[Solution:] I understand that we can only maintain our public structures – that we have worked for decades to build – if they receive adequate funding.
[Request:] I urge you to support an adequate, balanced tax package that both addresses our structural deficit and stabilizes the public programs that we depend on!
The Massachusetts budget, originally crafted in the Governor’s Office is currently working its way through the Legislature.
It has been passed by the House Ways & Means Committee and the House’s Full Chamber, and is now being examined by the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
Once the Full Senate has passed their version, it will go before a Conference Committee that includes members of both the House and Senate.
The resulting Budget Bill will go before the Governor to be signed (or vetoed).
At each step along the Budget’s path, changes can – and will – be made. These are opportunities for you to add your voice to this process!
- Need a basic training on what this all means?
Download the notes pages of this presentation, or request ONE Massachusetts staff to come out to your community or organization! - Don't know who your legislators are?
- Want to look at a preliminary analysis of our state budget?
- Other questions?
Contact us:
You can find the Senate W&M’s budget recommendations here later today.
p>Meanwhile Matt Viser at the Globe has conducted his own poll of Senators and hasn’t been able to get any more information about their inclination to support new taxes than the advocates. (Excuse me, special interest lobbyists)
Mass Budget has released their preliminary analysis of the Senate Ways and Means Budget.
p>It goes into detail on budget areas of Education, Environment & Recreation, Health Care, Human Services, Infrastructure, Housing & Economic Development, Law & Public Safety, Local Aid, Revenue.
p>Here’s a taste: