Hey, awesome news from WTKK (email, no link)!
“We have had conversations with Jay Severin over the past several weeks about his hurtful, inappropriate remarks. He understands that we will not accept this type of commentary on our airwaves in the future. Based on this understanding, we have agreed to conclude Jay’s suspension and he will return to the 96.9 FM WTKK airwaves on Tuesday, June 2, 2009. We want to emphasize that WTKK still strongly supports an open and spirited debate about the many issues our community and our country currently face. There will no doubt be times when people disagree with what Jay says. Our goal is to maintain a level of discourse that is compelling and thought-provoking, yet civil and respectful. While we will not always succeed in walking this line, we will continually strive to do so.”
Who wants to organize the betting pool for how long it takes Severin to say something equally or more offensive than what got him suspended? Also, is the appropriate metric days, or hours? Will WTKK stick to its guns and fire him, or cave, when the inevitable happens? Finally, what will the advertisers do?
He has not yet called Judge Sotomayor a racist and an affirmative action hire, who should stay at home and raise her babies. Maybe 15 minutes is more accurate. I seriously hope next time, he is just fired.
“(woman) with a mustache and VD.” as a Supreme Court nominee…it will be interesting.
p>I think it will be a long while before Jay steps in his own feces…deep down he is a very weak man–hence his overcompensation about his sexual bravado, his name change and how brillant he is–and he’ll behaved enough to save his job. The job feeds his huge ego. He will have something to say about the suspension…but he’ll twist it and make it sound he was always right and he will never change…all a lie…but his whole act has been a lie.
p>Here is the link
Sotomayor is an American born of Puerto Rican descent, not a Mexican immigrant.
p>Just sayin’.
…as if that fact really makes a difference with Severin’s knuckledragging core fan…
it was a joke. But still, there’s no sense putting words into the mouth of a bigot to make him seem bigoted. Use his own words instead.
“We know Jay’s a racist. People listen to him BECAUSE he’s racist, not in spite of the fact. So, we’re just putting a little fig leaf over our own culpability, and we’ll continue to serve racism to an audience that wants to hear it.”
p>I mean, didn’t you just know it? The whole thing is great for Severin and the station.
but the way corporate exploits it. People move to more propsperous areas to better themselves. They are hungry, eager and WILLING TO WORK FOR LESS. If you look at many areas of the world most have an immigrant class keeping wages down for all.
p>What is the greater evil knucledragging or legislating morals, either way it’s totalitarianism.
Then what will he do for a living?
p>Give me 23 days.
David, Charley, Peter, Frank S – 4 guys I’d have expected to ALL lean HEAVILY towards wanting to minimize punishment of offensive speech….
p>…because in the long run, surely you’d agree that lots of offensive speech becomes accepted speech, and vice versa….
p>Just saying I’m surprised.
But in general, I have no patience for people seeing “free speech” issues in these kinds of situations. The radio stations are private businesses. The First Amendment does not apply to them, so they can censor all they want. And, in some cases, they should.
Nor did I say “free speech.” I agree with you that many people confuse them, but I didn’t/don’t.
p>I just meant it in the water cooler, “Huh, that’s funny, I would not have expected you to say that” kind of way.
p>It’s like if Ryan wrote “You know, we really need to up our troop forces in Afghanistan.” It’s not unreasonable. I just wouldn’t expect it based on other writings.
became immensly boring without him.
Won’t be listening to him or the station now. I have a hard time with rabid rant radio, and have better things to do with my time, and to my blood pressure, than listen to the likes of ‘TKK, or ‘RKO for that matter.
As long as PottyMouth continues to be a cash-printing machine for the radio station, he could come up just short of killing the pope and keep his job.
p>What worked in San Francisco against WRKO, of the infamous WRKO vs. “Spocko’s Brain” fight, was an information campaign targeting advertisers. The tone was basically “Here’s what your ad money is paying for; is that really the message you want associated with your product?” Several national brands who had bought bundled time from the parent company and actually had no idea what the station was up to got scared and pulled their ads.
p>It’s all about the money. When hate speech is anathema to advertisers, this knucklehead won’t be able to get a soapbox at a garage sale. It seems to me BMG might be well-positioned to marshal its forces for something like that.
How many celebrities turn these lemons into lemonade (did drug convictions slow down Robert Downey Jr or help?) Jay will eat some humble pie, make some “totally” canned apologies… and be back where he was and should be… entertaining his “best and brightest” drive home listeners. It is unfortunate that these radio stations buckle to some whiners and tether free speech. People can judge a station by changing the dial and obviously Jay has many loyal listeners.
p>Hopefully he will still be getting his message across but stay within the gag rules they have assigned to Jay. But if you really want to listen to a low brow racist on WTKK, check out Jimmy Myers on Sunday (if you can stand listening to him).