“I hope Tim Cahill doesn’t self destruct before he can put his papers in for governor. We need this bozo in the race for entertainment purposes and to prevent Charley Baker from having a chance.”
That question doesn’t make somebody want to vote for Mihos, it just asks if they will. A push poll is supposed to change someone’s mind…this thing just solicits an opinion. If it said “How likely are you to vote for crusading reformer and successful businessman Christy Mihos” it would be a push poll. But this language is very neutral about the only declared candidate in the gubernatorial election.
p>Frankly, I don’t see why this would be a Mihos poll. I think it belongs to someone considering getting in the race, trying to get a measure of Mihos’s popularity.
seeds the recipient with new information or ideas about a candidate or ballot questions.
Can’t wait!
See if you can tell which things John Henry wrote to 30-year-old wife #3 vs. which things Mark Sanford said to 43-year-old Maria Chapur.
p>1. The sun emerged and created a giant rainbow between the city and the park. We were transfixed. You only saw it if you were in the right place. I was in the right place when I noticed you.
p>2. Another glorious day outside. Hope you are doing well, and am anxious to hear about your week. Know that I miss you.
p>3. I am honest. I don’t play games. And I see no reason not to say that I’ve been smitten by you and you’ve done me a great service.
p>4. You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty.
p>5. You’ve very innocently made my world brighter, better, lighter and warmer. So thanks.
p>6. Have you been told lately how warm your eyes are and how they softly glow with the special nature of your soul?
Months of wrangling and suspense, boiled down to an extra humid day in June. And if the building’s emotions hadn’t been rubbed raw enough, Farrah Fawcett was off to join the Mass. Turnpike Authority in the great beyond, followed shortly by Michael Jackson. The press conference crept a few slots down the news ladder.
Frankly, the amount of child welfare case work is exploding – what people forget is that real people, who do the work of the world – the cleaning, the child care, the cooking, are being hurt in fundamental ways where it will be difficult to impossible for them to regain lost ground.
p>Wealthy and powerful men have always had mistresses.
p>Do they understand what happens when jobs are lost, schools don’t educate, and the only place to get help for an addicted mother or teen is in prison?
Project exit Mass is no longer optional.
All shopping will be done in Seabrook.
Need financial advice on how long it takes a bank to actually evict my daughter, now pregnant and soon to be uninsured.
Freeze in the dark this winter and that is only the few that survive mandatory Unicorn flu shots this September.
Pissed? Needless to say July 4th will be sans fireworks.
Ernie, you never, ever want to have a primary opponent. Cahill will only divide the party. Deval will have to tack too far to the left in the primary. Cahill won’t win the nomination, but there are enough moderate-to-conservative Democrats and Independents that his candidacy could send them toward Republican Charlie Baker in the general election. Of course, there are some people who post on this site who are so whacked out that they will not let up on Deval because he’s not 100% ideologically pure in their mind. Most of those people — allegedly adults — still live at home with their parents. So it’s normal they’d have difficulties confronting the realities of everyday life and politics.
Very nice. A good recovery from your shaky opening.
“I hope Tim Cahill doesn’t self destruct before he can put his papers in for governor. We need this bozo in the race for entertainment purposes and to prevent Charley Baker from having a chance.”
p>Mihos isn’t entertainment enough?
Courtesy RMG:
p>For added chuckles, notice that the Mass. GOP’s newest convert is already applying his “charm” over there.
or, if u need a modifier, a poll poll.
… which pretty much is the definition of a push poll.
That question doesn’t make somebody want to vote for Mihos, it just asks if they will. A push poll is supposed to change someone’s mind…this thing just solicits an opinion. If it said “How likely are you to vote for crusading reformer and successful businessman Christy Mihos” it would be a push poll. But this language is very neutral about the only declared candidate in the gubernatorial election.
p>Frankly, I don’t see why this would be a Mihos poll. I think it belongs to someone considering getting in the race, trying to get a measure of Mihos’s popularity.
This testimonial is pretty compelling, if deliberately cryptic.
p>It’s also notable that both hubpolitics and RMG have large Mihos ads at the top of their main pages. It appears he’s going full court…
If I had a nickel every time someone used the term “push poll” incorrectly…
p>just read this.
I hadn’t realized that smearing was a required component. Thanks.
p>Is there a term for polls designed to introduce concepts or start a conversation?
p>Please don’t say “poll.” đŸ˜‰
seeds the recipient with new information or ideas about a candidate or ballot questions.
Can’t wait!
See if you can tell which things John Henry wrote to 30-year-old wife #3 vs. which things Mark Sanford said to 43-year-old Maria Chapur.
p>1. The sun emerged and created a giant rainbow between the city and the park. We were transfixed. You only saw it if you were in the right place. I was in the right place when I noticed you.
p>2. Another glorious day outside. Hope you are doing well, and am anxious to hear about your week. Know that I miss you.
p>3. I am honest. I don’t play games. And I see no reason not to say that I’ve been smitten by you and you’ve done me a great service.
p>4. You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty.
p>5. You’ve very innocently made my world brighter, better, lighter and warmer. So thanks.
p>6. Have you been told lately how warm your eyes are and how they softly glow with the special nature of your soul?
p>Such romantics!
John Henry was 1, 3, 5.
p>Mark Sanford was 2, 4, 6.
State House Weekly Roundup: No one wants to be defeated
Frankly, the amount of child welfare case work is exploding – what people forget is that real people, who do the work of the world – the cleaning, the child care, the cooking, are being hurt in fundamental ways where it will be difficult to impossible for them to regain lost ground.
p>Wealthy and powerful men have always had mistresses.
p>Do they understand what happens when jobs are lost, schools don’t educate, and the only place to get help for an addicted mother or teen is in prison?
Project exit Mass is no longer optional.
All shopping will be done in Seabrook.
Need financial advice on how long it takes a bank to actually evict my daughter, now pregnant and soon to be uninsured.
Freeze in the dark this winter and that is only the few that survive mandatory Unicorn flu shots this September.
Pissed? Needless to say July 4th will be sans fireworks.
Ernie, you never, ever want to have a primary opponent. Cahill will only divide the party. Deval will have to tack too far to the left in the primary. Cahill won’t win the nomination, but there are enough moderate-to-conservative Democrats and Independents that his candidacy could send them toward Republican Charlie Baker in the general election. Of course, there are some people who post on this site who are so whacked out that they will not let up on Deval because he’s not 100% ideologically pure in their mind. Most of those people — allegedly adults — still live at home with their parents. So it’s normal they’d have difficulties confronting the realities of everyday life and politics.