(Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune.)
This clip should be longer.
Some 82 local police departments in Massachusetts have obtained more than 1,000 weapons over the last 15 years under a federal program that distributes surplus guns from the US military, the Globe reported earlier this month. Now, new information identifies which communities received the weapons: They range from small towns like Hamilton, Marblehead, and Wayland to more populous communities like Worcester, Framingham, and Revere.
And a Globe review of a dozen departments found that most did not notify their community of the acquisitions. It also found inconsistencies in how the program is monitored, including cases in which communities received more guns than allowed.
In one suburban town, Belmont, people who live and work there were surprised to learn of the presence of six M-14s.
And stop jaywalking.
p>Or else …
Or is it just on the big and small screens that cops with only a handgun are forced to do battle with a criminal kingpin carrying and Uzi?
to a wide anging array of weapons should the need arise ( A terrorist attack) The biggest problem is that 99% of police do not now nor will they have sufficient experience and expertise to properly field these weapons—so the matter is a moot point.