Well, we’ve gone and done it. We’ve registered BMG PAC (formally known as “Blue Mass Group Political Action Committee”) with the Mass. Office of Campaign and Political Finance. You can see our organizing document here (PDF).
We’ve even done up a press release (PDF), since as far as we know this is the first PAC in the country to be organized around a single blog. (Although some Texans did something similar with TexBlog PAC, a PAC organized by a sort of consortium of several bloggers.)
As soon as we work out a few more paperwork details, we’ll be able to accept contributions. More to come!
UPDATE: Here’s a story in the Herald (via State House News).
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
Hopefully this becomes a force to be reckoned with — and ends the BMG Kiss of Death đŸ˜‰
p>Seriously, though, if there’s anything I’ve learned in politics it’s that nothing makes people take you more seriously than being able to write a $500 check (or bigger, nationally). Nothing.
p>Just look at Obama — he hasn’t budged on glbt issues yet, but finally throws a (pretty lame) bone because major donors were bailing out on a big gay fundraiser with Biden after the DOMA DoJ flap.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
was “Friends of Ernie”.
p>I say we pull a Steve Colbert and satisfy my vanity.
p>For now on the unofficial name of the PAC is “Friends of Ernie”.
p>Let’s make it happen
theloquaciousliberal says
What happened? Didn’t you just say this?:
david says
theloquaciousliberal says
Next time, isn’t there some way to link this to the original thread even while making it it’s own new post? I’ve been repeatedly, in vain it appears, returning to the oiginal post for info on this.
jimc says
You money-grubbing, influence-peddling bastards. :-!
noternie says
sabutai says
A minor question…before giving any money to this PAC, would you mind telling me how you’re planning on spending it?
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
sabutai says
We don’t have enough dopes on BMG as is, we need to grow more?
david says
we’ll post about that. As soon as we figure it out. đŸ˜‰
stomv says
I’ve been working on with JohnT. I’d love to “get a meeting” with some of the Editors Three to discuss…
jimc says
Is the PAC a first for a SoapBlox site?
jimc says
Learn to read, Jim. Don’t mind me.