The legislature was forced to come out with an ethics bill before Deval’s ten days elapsed.
The good news is they won’t make receiving gifts a criminal offense. Someone has some balls. For once.
Now the House and Senate will put some kind of shine on their cry of “uncle” this afternoon.
But nobody will be buying it.
Two months ago Deval was a long shot to get re-elected.
Twenty four hours is a long time in politics.
This budget/ethics/reform tiff is one inning in a nine inning game.
Right now Deval is winning and legislature looks like it can’t get it going. What should be a lesser opponent is controlling the game.
Please share widely!
p>Who writes these headlines?
p>The whole text is here: the Ethics Bill thanks to Rep. Brownsberger. His analysis here
may not always seem like much but it sure beats the alternative.
p>But I actually think the Governor’s done better than just be in the right place at the right time. Remember what the public conversation focused on in the prior regime – discriminating against gay couples and reducing the income tax despite all evidence that the budget was already out of balance. The Governor deserves credit for changing the conversation – he has surfaced and brought attention to the question of how we provide economic growth in the future, how we move to a green economy, how we improve education, as well as to the ethics, pension and transportation reforms just enacted.