Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune.
Maybe this should make me angry, but it just makes me sad.…
This morning on Fox & Friends, the trio invited the president on and wondered why they were being criticized especially when “there is one network that is devoted to absolutely being his cheerleader.”
“Look, we are just balancing things out. When you watch the other channels, the news channels, it’s all — you know, you don’t hear a lot of the criticism,” said Steve Doocy.
But this from Greta Van Susteren really bugs me:
I have been told that he does not like me or ON THE RECORD at 10pm or my network mainly because of our Reverend Wright coverage. I have two things to say about that: first, I bet I have as much if not more years working on the street with poor African Americans than the President does. I earned my stripes to ask him about Reverend Wright.
1. She “has been told” — by who, Roger Ailes?
2. She “earned her stripes” to ask about Rev. Wright. That means she has a hierarchical view of who should ask what questions, and why. By that standard, can we assume there are some questions she has no business asking? Foreign policy, perhaps?
3. What she means is: Look, I can ask about Wright, because I’m not a racist. And I can prove it by my resume. At best, this doth protest too much.
4. We balance the other guy’s bias with our bias. This is not the goal!
5. Let’s talk about what the president thinks about our shows, because in the end it’s all about us.
And now a word from our sponsor!
I like the post-modernism of this. Van Susteren is a woman whose career exists because of a show that began on breathless coverage of every twist and turn of the OJ Simpson trial…and now she wants to talk about race as an expert.