At the State Democratic Convention a flyer listing the dates and locations of Gov. Patrick’s “Summer Town Hall Meeting Tour” was distributed.
According to this flyer:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 6:390 PM in Needham
Location: Town Hall Green (1471 Highland Avenue)
Monday, June 22, 2009 at 7:00 PM Gov. Patrick will be at Robbins Farm Park for a Town Hall meeting. (51 Eastern Avenue). Robbins Farm Park is a natural amphitheatre, with a stunning back drop view of the Boston Skyline.
While there are other dates, these two are the only listed meetings in Middlesex County.
6/29 – Lynn
7/8 – Shrewsbury
7/14 – Adams
7/16 – Pembroke
7/21 – Newburyport
7/23 – Grove Hall
7/29 – Wareham
8/4 – Groton
8/6 – chicopee
8/11 – Pittsfield
8/13 – Sharon
That’s all I know – but mark your calendars, if interested!
There will be location updates at
I re-issue my challenge from last July:
p>Sans snark. What’s the point?
…have proved that they can blog about DP with snark. They’ve proved it over and over again with one-note quips about drapes and Cadillacs, so how about showing a different side?
p>As I blogged in the above-linked post:
p>Furthermore, it wouldn’t be a “challenge” for Red BMGer’s to go to a DP town hall and crap all over his presentation with the typical snark and sarcasm and not actually engage the material at hand, would it?
At Convention this weekend, some of us BMGers met each other. It reminded me of the need to gather physically and the value of leveraging existing events. If any BMGers are attending and want to meet other BMG community members, make a post or put in on the calendar. For example, “BMG in Arlington” – join AmberPaw and possibly others at on 6/22 in Arlington to hear Governor Patrick.
p>And then cover the event here and in our own blogs and newsletters. If we want our candidates to get their message out, we need to give them the opportunity to do so.
p> is the more specific Town Hall link
p>6/16 6:30 PM Needham – Town Hall Green, 1471 Highland Avenue
6/22 7:00 PM Alrington – Robbin Farm Park, Eastern Avenue
6/29 6:30 PM Lynn
7/8 6:30 PM Shrewsbury
7/14 6:30 PM Adams
7/16 6:30 PM Pembroke
7/21 6:30 PM Newburyport
7/23 6:30 PM Boston
7/29 6:30 PM Wareham
8/4 6:30 PM Gorton
8/6 6:30 PM Chicopee
8/11 6:30 PM Pittsfield
8/13 6:30 PM Sharon
THEN 7:00 PM Town Hall? If I get some RSVPs – to AmberPaw at AOL.COM I’ll even provide the fried chicken??? Works fine for a picnic!!
p>Come one, come all.
at first glance inner Boston metro is woefully underrepresented. My evidence? AFAIK, MBTA subway/bus only gets folks to the 7/23 event. Is one event in inner Boston metro sufficient? Town Hall events are less effective when bursting at the seams.
Not sure yet, but it’s right nearby and I’m typically down there during the summertime anyway.
p>Would be worth it if it can help find someone to run against the disastrously ineffective GOP state rep down there, Susan Williams Gifford…
Are not in Muddlesex County. These being the obvious ones