Only time will tell, for coming soon to a homosexual federal employee families near you: health care benefits! UPDATE by David: sadly, health care benefits are apparently not in the package.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
good correction, David. This was worse than doing nothing. Worse yet, the Hate Crimes bill – which was supposedly going to pass next week, has been pushed back to August — maybe. Wait, as far as I’m concerned, means never.
p>I have to quote activist/columnist Wayne Besen at length:
p>He hasn’t posted this on his site yet, as far as I can tell, just in an email he sent me… so I’ll just leave a link to his site. The full thing will be there shortly, I’m sure. Very worth the read.…
I suspect HRC doesn’t mean Hillary Rodham Clinton in this context. What does it mean?
which is the main LGBT political advocacy org in Washington DC.
He doesn’t need to cater to your particular splinter of the democratic party platform right now. You folks are mistaking his silence last year as wholehearted approval. Just because he didn’t express being against, didn’t mean his wholehearted endorsement. No bash intended. That’s politics. Happy day off Suffolk County!
It’s common sense.
The original noise around this was far more promising.