The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a challenge to the Pentagon policy forbidding
gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military, granting a request by the Obama administration.
The court said it will not hear an appeal from former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo II, who was dismissed under the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
The federal appeals court in Boston earlier threw out a lawsuit filed by Pietrangelo and 11 other veterans. He was the only member of that group who asked the high court to rule that the Clinton-era policy is unconstitutional.
In court papers, the administration said the appeals court ruled correctly in this case when it found that “don’t ask, don’t tell” is “rationally related to the government’s legitimate interest in military discipline and cohesion.”
During last year’s campaign, President Barack Obama indicated he supported the eventual repeal of the policy, but he has made no specific move to do so since taking office in January. Meanwhile, the White House has said it won’t stop gays and lesbians from being dismissed from the military.
Last year, the federal appeals court in San Francisco allowed a decorated flight nurse to continue her lawsuit over her dismissal. The court stopped short of declaring the policy unconstitutional, but said that the Air Force must prove that ousting former Maj. Margaret Witt furthered the military’s goals of troop readiness and unit cohesion.
The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was the first that evaluated “don’t ask, don’t tell” through the lens of a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas ban on sodomy as an unconstitutional intrusion on privacy.
The administration did not appeal that ruling to the Supreme Court and Witt’s lawsuit is ongoing.
The appeals court in Pietrangelo’s case also took the high court decision into account, but concluded that it should defer to Congress’ determination that the policy fosters cohesion in military units.
The case is Pietrangelo v. Gates, 08-824.…
Are plagiarists “deceitful liars” as well?
p>You are cutting and pasting an entire AP article without even bothering to attribute the source. You have already been slapped multiple times for similar offenses and you have failed to learn your lesson. You cannot plead ignorance. You know perfectly well what the rules and the law are and you are deliberately ignoring both. You have no respect for the members of this community.
p>It is about time that the moderators of this site take away MCRD’s posting privileges. The few positive contributes he makes to this community are dwarfed by what he takes away. It is time for him to go.