No, I am not making this up. Really, who could? The Republican in question is Manuel Miranda, the former Capitol Hill staffer who was forced to resign in disgrace after getting caught hacking into Senate Democrats’ computers. Now he runs a right-wing special interest group. Surprise.
So anyway, Miranda and his buddies have sent a letter to Senate Republicans urging them to filibuster the Sotomayor nomination. Even though Miranda himself called judicial filibusters by Democrats “unprecedented” and “unconstitutional.” A finer demonstration of IOKIYAR I can hardly imagine.
Which brings us to today’s conservative blogger conference call, in which Miranda made the following assertion:
Hispanic polls, Hispanic surveys indicate that Hispanics think just like everyone else. We’re not like African-Americans. We think just like everybody else.
Don’t believe me? Listen for yourself. It starts at 42:30 in the call. Or listen on the YouTube that someone has helpfully assembled.
It’s hard to know where to start with that one. But I think Mr. Miranda may have just cost himself whatever shreds of influence he had left.
I’m tempted to give the guy’s group a donation. He’s very valuable.
I mean, some of these guys have to be doing deep undercover for the Democrats…
Ed Brayton had a post up yesterday about the letter:
p>Turns out that the signatories on both letters are mostly the same, although Miranda is an exception. Of course in 1995 he may have been a nobody and merely represented in one of the many groups that signed the 1995 letter.
I keep reading that there is a quiet, behind the scenes battle taking place between the right-wing commentariat and various Senators. During the Bush Administration, there was some effort to win Latino voters. The idea was to appeal to the Catholic conservatives among them. The fire-breathers on immigration caused that effort to go down in flames. Some of the comments about Judge Sotomayor betray some prejudice.
p>People like Senator Conryn, who must win votes in an increasingly Hispanic state, probably do not want to hand this to Democrats as a campaign issue. How this plays out will be interesting.
With a stupid comment like that it is no wonder he is the type person who would get wrapped up in hacking computers and being forced to resign.
p>Thank goodness Sonia Sotomayor would never say anything so stupid.
p>”I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
p>”Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”
p>”All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law, I know. I know.”
p>But she isn’t a “Republican Activist” so it’s ok.