Would one of you guys organizing for the single-payer amendment to the platform please explain why it seems so important to insert the single-payer language, rather than supporting Obama’s public option, which would actually get us far down the road to single-payer. To me, the public option plan seems politically possible if all us progressives really support it, while the single-payer issue is like waving a red flag at a bull — the bull being Congress.
Thanks to whomever can/will shed some light on this.
Paddy Moore
Please share widely!
I would love to read the amendment if you can post a link that would be great.
p>Regarding the current comments on an Obama plan for health care I think it is a disgrase that he is now willing to talk about taxing the benefits. that is going right back after the 95% he talked about were paying to much tax. So he gives us 4 dollar a week tax cut in our pay pail then raises the federal tax deduction by factoring in the $150 a week we pay for health care now as a way to pay for more health care hey with help like that foreclosures should rise by 10-15% alone on that economic policy.
p>How about employers with more then 15 employees must offer and pay 51% of comprehensive health for all employees and their families. Want to bet the business will be screaming for single payer with in the year.
p>As Usual just my Opinion
on the short-sightedness of business leaders that they aren’t screaming for single-payer now. Local governments should be endorsing the concept, too.
Putting forth a reasoned position calling for the ideal reform solution, improved Medicare-for-All aka Single payer, creates the political space for a compromise that will provide reform progress in the right direction, healthcare as public good not as commodity.
p>A strong Medicare-like public option alongside new regs on the insurance industry is reform headed in the right direction; an individual mandate to purchase a private insurance policy (the Mass. Plan) is not.
p>The ideal solution needs to be championed on its merits, b/c it represents the right thing and the smart thing to do (SP is “conservative spending with liberal benefits”), and it needs to be championed for political reasons, so that the inevitable compromise actually does some significant good and gets the reform process headed in a meaningful direction.
p>Many good educational and political resources on this issue, incl’g an events calendar, are avail. on the Mass-Care website at http://masscare.org
First off. As citizens (or even as delegates), it is not our job to simply see what is, right now, palatable, and work towards that. Certainly, that is part of it. BUt these things happen when a group of determined people advocate for it over a large period of time.
p>Moreover, our focus need not be national. Consider Canada, where single-payer originated in the provinces, where its success led to its wider adoption. Here in Massachusetts, we have an opportunity to play a large role.
to see this playing out on the national health reform scene check out Ezra Klein’s 6/3/09 blog at WaPo
p>Your Massachusetts voter voice needs to be heard, so please call DC and leave messages for Senators Kennedy (202) 224-4543 and Kerry (202) 224-2742.
p>It’s easy and takes only 2 minutes; just give your name and address and urge them to hold firm for a strong Medicare-like public insurance option in national healthcare reform–or say that “Medicare-for-All Single payer is ideal and that’s what we need them to fight for.
p>Whatever you believe, now’s the time to say it. Kennedy (202) 224-4543 and Kerry (202) 224-2742.