So many of us discuss these issues in a thoughtful manner among ourselves. We disdain the crazies and ignore them or just laugh at Limbaugh, Severin, Hannity and Beck.
p>Their increasingly paranoid ideology and hostile language is creating a very dangerous movement. The 9-12 Patriots, (promoted by Glen Beck), and other organizations are springing up around the country to save us from this world communist takeover. The Colorado TV Blog is similar to other TV and newspaper blogs around the country. Did you read some of the public comments?
p>”but can’t we have a little dignity if we are to be mass exterminated? that dignity means telling the truth about whats going on. we can still regain our dignity after we sold it out to the NWO. god bless you”
p>”let’s go fight our real enemies”
p>They also seem to only talk among themselves and are work each other up. It is little surprise that we have had our first anti-abortion violence since the Clinton era. The first would be assassin of Obama has been arrested.
in the CT scene which is really divided amongst many factions. So much so they like anybody else will never amount to viable political forces. The Rush,Severins, Hannity’s and Becks are just as much evil brownshirts to me as the Orwellian hate crime control freaks on the far left. I ponder a possible Jeb Bush in 2012 if the economy tanks. Why not, Americans are stupid sheeple.
p>However all of them stop at a certain point being careful not to reveal any semblance of truth about the world, it’s real history and how “they” control it. They are all just censored myopics in terms of worldviews. Each day politics fades away in terms of useful endeavors while survivalism gains importance.
If you thought this guy was a nut.
Wasn’t this an X Files episode? That Fox was fair and balanced. My sky has one moon. Yours?
but I find it far more interesting how both left and right always come out on the very same way on all policies advancing global super-corpo-fascism.…
So many of us discuss these issues in a thoughtful manner among ourselves. We disdain the crazies and ignore them or just laugh at Limbaugh, Severin, Hannity and Beck.
p>Their increasingly paranoid ideology and hostile language is creating a very dangerous movement. The 9-12 Patriots, (promoted by Glen Beck), and other organizations are springing up around the country to save us from this world communist takeover. The Colorado TV Blog is similar to other TV and newspaper blogs around the country. Did you read some of the public comments?
p>”but can’t we have a little dignity if we are to be mass exterminated? that dignity means telling the truth about whats going on. we can still regain our dignity after we sold it out to the NWO. god bless you”
p>”let’s go fight our real enemies”
p>They also seem to only talk among themselves and are work each other up. It is little surprise that we have had our first anti-abortion violence since the Clinton era. The first would be assassin of Obama has been arrested.
in the CT scene which is really divided amongst many factions. So much so they like anybody else will never amount to viable political forces. The Rush,Severins, Hannity’s and Becks are just as much evil brownshirts to me as the Orwellian hate crime control freaks on the far left. I ponder a possible Jeb Bush in 2012 if the economy tanks. Why not, Americans are stupid sheeple.
p>However all of them stop at a certain point being careful not to reveal any semblance of truth about the world, it’s real history and how “they” control it. They are all just censored myopics in terms of worldviews. Each day politics fades away in terms of useful endeavors while survivalism gains importance.