At least he didn’t stab her with a piece of glass…
The Worcester T & G is selectively editing comments to it’s reader responses to stories. It appears the west side of Worcester is too wonderful to have a domestic abuser with an audience. But it is quite fine to comment on a drinking party/stabbing in the southeast side. With discriminatory editing like that, no wonder they’re losing money.
Granted, public place in front of a lot of people…
p>Nobody knows what’s going on in that situation. Unless this has somehow impacted his ability to fulfill his role to his constituents, then this story should just die a quiet death and have this article be its headstone.
Last year, I believe he was on the House committee handling banking. He received a @200,000 interest-free mortgage. That means he didn’t have to worry about paying it. Wouldn’t any of us like one of those? He has been slapped by the ethics committee in the past for using campaign money to pay off personal debts.
He’s not Sal, or Tommy, or Charlie. Just another democratic ligislator. And that speaks volumes about the sad state of our democratic legislature.
Can we at least have some new legislators that aren’t crooks? I’m at the point where I’ll accept a clean democrat, if there is one existing!
The best comment in the T&G is this one:
I wish one of you ‘perfect’ citizens would run for public office. We sure could use some know-it-all, brilliant, upstanding people such as yourselves in office. I hope you can stand the scrutiny and have no skeletons in your closet. It’s hard being in the public eye. I feel bad that these people have to see their misfortunes sensationalized by the Telegram and criticized by you hypocrites.
p>BTW, billxi’s comments on the subject make even less sense in context.
s being very selective in the reader responses it is allowing. No trashing allowed about that neighborhood. It it too “perfect.” Any responses they print are more biased than anything I say. At least BMG prints both sides of the story. No matter how wrong you all are. Keep your panties on folks, I mean it humorously.
hmm. Interesting editing. It is fine to bash the Vernon Hill drinking party, but not the west side. Ever try Newton Hill on a weekend night? Oh, I forgot, those are ‘good’ kids. Way to discriminate T & G.
p>I’ve no idea what you’re trying to say, but they left it up.
In Worcester, the west side is the nice side, no group homes, no drug trafficking, no prostitution. Those things are on the south side of town, the slums.
The way all of Worcester would be if liberals hadn’t spent 70 years running it into the ground.
I’d watch my step if I were on the pension bill conference committee! đŸ˜‰
At least he didn’t stab her with a piece of glass…
The Worcester T & G is selectively editing comments to it’s reader responses to stories. It appears the west side of Worcester is too wonderful to have a domestic abuser with an audience. But it is quite fine to comment on a drinking party/stabbing in the southeast side. With discriminatory editing like that, no wonder they’re losing money.
Granted, public place in front of a lot of people…
p>Nobody knows what’s going on in that situation. Unless this has somehow impacted his ability to fulfill his role to his constituents, then this story should just die a quiet death and have this article be its headstone.
Last year, I believe he was on the House committee handling banking. He received a @200,000 interest-free mortgage. That means he didn’t have to worry about paying it. Wouldn’t any of us like one of those? He has been slapped by the ethics committee in the past for using campaign money to pay off personal debts.
He’s not Sal, or Tommy, or Charlie. Just another democratic ligislator. And that speaks volumes about the sad state of our democratic legislature.
Can we at least have some new legislators that aren’t crooks? I’m at the point where I’ll accept a clean democrat, if there is one existing!
The best comment in the T&G is this one:
p>BTW, billxi’s comments on the subject make even less sense in context.
s being very selective in the reader responses it is allowing. No trashing allowed about that neighborhood. It it too “perfect.” Any responses they print are more biased than anything I say. At least BMG prints both sides of the story. No matter how wrong you all are. Keep your panties on folks, I mean it humorously.
p>I’ve no idea what you’re trying to say, but they left it up.
In Worcester, the west side is the nice side, no group homes, no drug trafficking, no prostitution. Those things are on the south side of town, the slums.
The way all of Worcester would be if liberals hadn’t spent 70 years running it into the ground.