I am working to raise money for Congressman Jim McGovern. President Bill Clinton will be in Worcester on June 12 for a special event for the Congressman.
Donate to Jim McGovern now. He truly is one of the good guys.
Whether you can donate $125, $50, $25 or $10, your donation is important. My hope is to raise at least $3500 for Congressman McGovern. Everyone who donates $125 will be able to attend the event with the President at the DCU Convention Center. The event wil be from 6 PM to 8 PM on June 12. If you are interested in attending the event and it is not practical for you to donate $125 please contact me at KateDonaghue@aol.com. Depending on how much money we raise, we will be able to include additional people.
Now that the pitch is out of the way, I want to say just a few words about the Convention. Many thanks to all who helped put the effort together. It was exciting to see the interest in the platforms and the issues from so many people and such a broad range of delegates. Many delegates sought me out to tell me how pleased they were about the openness of the event.
Special kudos to John Walsh and Stacey Monahan for their efforts to communicate necessary information to people. Thanks to sabutai for his kind words in his earlier post. Thanks to all who participated in our workshop.
The man is a carpetbagging/gerrymandering stooge from the word go. Basically, he hasn’t lived in his district for the last 30 years. He consorts with Columbian terrorists, pretending to be Secretary of State. A good cjoice of the DCU, the floor level is disability inaccessible. Way to keep the nonasskissers out.
I get the anger about the lack of disability access, but this Congressman is one of the most selfless, thoughtful reps in DC. Would that all 10 of our congress people were like him….
p>So, Kate – I cannot attend as I am traveling on business. I would, however, like to donate. Is there a website or address we could use?
You are absolutely right about the Congressman. The link is http://www.actblue.con/page/jimmcg . If you donate here this will count towards the money I am raising. If I raise extra money then I am able to invite additional people to attend with smaller donations. Thanks! Kate
I should be able to get another person in. I would like it to be a member of the BMG community. I do ask people to make a donation of whatever amount you feel is approrpiate. Please contact me off line if you would like to attend. Kate