What I learned from DNC’s – I mean NBC’s Brian Williams exclusive White House excursion, part one of which aired on the commercial network last evening, June 2.
Barack Obama has plenty of apples around the White House, thus insuring ample supply of fiber and promoting good bowel health for the presidential personage. Better to be prepared with apples than duct tape, I always say.
The national security advisor listens to U2, but I’m too old a fart to know what that is. I’m pretty much still holding on for dear life to my antiquated vinyl record collection.
Rahm Emmanuel lost a portion of a finger at some fast food joint and sacrificed a great deal to be WHCOF, since he was sure to be the next speaker of the house. Flash memo to Steny Hoyer……did you know that?
When grabbing burgers, bring back some greasy grub for the Pennsylvania Avenue troopers, who seem really busy opening and shutting doors.
George Bush could not have gone to the Middle East, only the new POTUS can do that. But didn’t George Bush go to the Middle East?
Michelle Obama is beautiful and gets a kiss in the hallway – not from Brian but from Barack – while tending to the First Dog – who is also beautiful.
Brian Williams asks really ‘Access Hollywood’ genre questions. Where was Billy Bush??
Edward R. Murrow is rolling over in his grave right now.
The promotion spots NBC did for this interview did seem to indicate that this was going to lean toward the human interest inside the White House angle rather than lots of substantive policy discussion.
I don’t think the “human interest” stories about the president (you know, the guy who has the nuclear launch codes and can cause the deaths of countless people) are helpful. I didn’t under Bush and I don’t now.