You can find the vetoes by agency or line item within Budget tracking
It is noteworthy to me that the already underfunded judicial branch was further cut by 18 million dollars.
As it is, I cannot get timely hearings for parents who have had their children removed [some directly from the hospital to foster care based on anonymous, undisclosed, unreliable testing of birth blood or meconium]. I call these so-called results unreliable because actions are taken without knowing who did the tests, what tests were done, what software was used to analyze the results, or even how the samples are taken and kept free of cross contamination.
It is taking as much as five to seven weeks to complete temporary custody hearings because there are not enough judges or sessions to hear them all.
In part, that is because there is a huge increase in filings and removals by the Department of Children and Families, at least in the courts where I am appointed to cases.
Today, once again, though the court house is allocated three judges and has three court rooms there was only one judge.
Inability to hear cases in a timely fashion is a major access to justice issue – and this veto will make it worse.
on the judicial accounts?
2. Boston Bar Assn – Deborah Gibbs, Esq.
3. MassJudges Assc. – Chaired by Hon. Peter Agnes
4. Middlesex County Bar Assn. – President Frank Ciano
p>And yours truly, with the Middlesex County Bar Assn [I am on the Board – we are all volunteers, of course, in that organization].
From CW Unbound’s Bruce Mohl
p>Maybe it was a typo because
p>On the other hand
p>So what do you think is a better investment for $20 million, 25% of Tom Cruise’s (and other stars slaries or more access to the courts for your kids Amber?
p>Why do I think I already know the answer? Breathe deep before you reply my friend.
Child welfare cases are the family law equivalent of murder cases. These cases mean life or death to a struggling family.
p>I would choose human beings over “photo ops” and donations.
p>So, yes, I would choose fully staffed courts, court clinics, probation departments, and judges over a gravy train for movie stars and makers who don’t leave the money in our state anyway.
If you are looking for a continuation of a transparent and user friendly budget site, this isn’t it. To save you 10 clicks here it is
You have to go to and on the right hand side bar under Online Services click on 2010 Budget Tracking and then keep clicking on each government area to find the veto message
p>For instance under Judiciary
p> 03212205 – Suffolk County Social Law Library
Data Current as of: 6/29/2009
p>printer friendly
p> * Account
* Account
p>Account Description FY2009
Spending FY2010
0321-2205 Suffolk County Social Law Library
For the expenses of the social law library located in Suffolk county
2,229,671 1,000,000
p>Veto Explanation: I am reducing this item by an amount not recommended in light of available revenues.
p> where you see the to see the final conference committee numbers click under keep clicking on the e